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I am trying to find my great-grandfather's family in County Kerry.  Here is what I know:

His name was William Fleming and he was born June 7, 1878.  His father's name was William and he had a brother Cornelius and a sister Delia. According to other family memebers, he came from Castleisland.  He came to the United States in 1898 to New York City and worked as a policeman. I have looked at several on line resources and don't know how to tell if I have the right William Fleming.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Connie McNeely


Friday 8th Nov 2013, 03:39PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi - Thank you for your message. Some sites & services for genealogy research in County Kerry include:

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 22nd Jan 2014, 12:35PM
  • Dear Connie, I have only found Cornelius so far, son of William (no William or Delia children of William)

    This is the marriage of William and Helen Carroll

    This is a map of Maulyarkane (many alternative spellings circa 1850

    I cant say that these are definitely yours and I can see your difficulty when it comes to the census in 1901. With the information you have given me it would be a process of elimination... and very lengthy. I would strongly urge you to look for an obituary/ naturalization record/union membership which might supply you with further information. Memorial cards or gravestones in the US might also supply further information. If we knew William senior's wife's name this would greatly assist your search. 

    Do let me know if you can uncover more info stateside.. or if any of the above rings any bells.

    Best wishes



    Friday 28th Mar 2014, 12:18AM
  • Hi Martine,

    Thanks so much for your response as well as the research on my behalf!  I truly appreciate it.  I have searched extensively for William Fleming in County Kerry with a father William and either find a William but no Cornelius or Cornelius but no William.  I can 't find any record of a Delia Fleming in County Kerry. Perhaps she was called by her middle name, I don't know.

    So I decided to search with info I have directly from my great-grandfather through naturalization records, employment records from the NY police department, and military draft cards, which is the following:

    name: William J Fleming

    born: 7 June 1878 in Kerry, Ireland (Draft cards and naturalization record)

    arrival in New York City: 10 Jan 1898 (naturalization and employment records)

    naturalized: 2 May 1903 

    In searching I came across a William Fleming born to a James Fleming and Johanna Daly on 7 June 1873 in Kilcummin Parish…

    This family also has a brother Cornelius.  There is also a brother, John, who died in Boston in 1902.  His obituary lists a brother William from New York. I know that dates are sometimes inaccurate but figure while they might not have known the year of their birth, they would probably know the date.  He also might have made himself younger for employment purposes.  The only record I have of his father's name is his death certificate filled out by his daughter. Since her mother's father was William I am wondering if this could be an error.

    Do you think this is possible or am I putting a square peg in a round hole as the saying goes? Would be interested in hearing your thoughts.  Thanks again for your help.




    Friday 28th Mar 2014, 04:37PM
  • Connie,

    We have corresponded before, I sent you the obit for John Fleming who died in 1902 in Worcester, MA. I believe the obit also mentioned a sister Hannah in NY as well as the brother William.

    Hannah may prove to be a good avenue to explore in the US records.

    Good luck,



    Friday 28th Mar 2014, 06:20PM
  • For some reason I have only just received your message.I will need to check a few things and as it is late now I will try to do something in the morning.


    Tuesday 22nd Apr 2014, 11:57PM
  • Dear Connie,

    Just to say firstly that we sometimes find Delia and Bridget used interchangeably and this couple you found have a bridget born 1878. Their full list of children is here

    Patrick married to Mary Cronin is still in Ardagh in 1901and also has his mother Hannah/Johannah living with them. Ardagh townland, Kilcummin is just outside Killarney.

    By 1911 sadly Patrick has died but his mother Johannah is still alive.

    I think you are onto a real possibility here Connie. I am so excited for you but trying to stay calm until we can confirm it . Will you post an email where I can reach you?

    Congrats on your research! 



    Wednesday 23rd Apr 2014, 10:49AM
  • Hi Martine,

    That is good news about Delia/Bridget being interchangable.  That was the last thing that did not fit for me!  You can reach me at  I look forward to hearing from you!



    Wednesday 23rd Apr 2014, 12:22PM
  • Just wanted to provide an update.  I found a copy of my great grandfather's Social Security application that lists his parents as James Fleming and Johanna Daly!  I was also contacted by a John Daly from Ardagh who said the family was still in Ardagh.  My Aunt and cousin were able to meet them on a trip to Ireland and visit the home of my great grandfather and meet family.  So a wonderful experience.  I can't wait to get their myself!  Thanks for all the support!



    Saturday 7th May 2016, 02:56PM
  • Hi Connie, I am thrilled for you! This is the most wonderful news and has thoroughly brightened up my day. We often don't get to hear of the outcome of our research. I am so glad that the Social Security record gave you the confirmation you needed.

    With warm thoughts


    Monday 9th May 2016, 06:55AM

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