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I posted quite awhile ago but I have learned a bit more since then.

My quest is to learn a vilage of my great great grandparents.

Thomas White born 1825 and Mary Ann Linden 1825 knew each other in County Kerry but came over separately. I believe Thomas's father was named John White and his mother was Bridget Brophy and Mary Ann Linden's mother was named Mary or Mary Jane ...Mary Ann's mother died when she was young and she was raised by an aunt. They were Roman Catholic. I am unable to find a trace of them in County Kerry although I have seen a John White in the Tithe Applotment Book.

Thank you very much for any help.


Friday 12th Sep 2014, 01:58AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Mary

    Welcome back to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    As you can see from the link, there are quite a few John White entries in the Griffith's Valuation (1847-1864):…

    I had a look on but there doesn't seem to be any matching entries for a Thomas with a father John and a mother Bridget. I also searched for other children to this couple in Kerry but couldn't see any match. I couldn't find a marriage for John and Bridget either, assuming that it, they were married in Kerry.

    There are some Linden entries on the above site too. As it is free to use, it would be a good idea to go through the Linden side as the name is less common. It is possible that if they knew each other they came from the same area. If you could find a baptism for Mary then perhaps this will be the missing link.
    Let us know if you learn anything new

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 02:59PM
  • Dear Mary, I am still carrying your family names in my book since you first made contact with us. Can you give us exact details of the couples' life once they left Ireland. Date and place of marriage, children, occupation, date of death, place of burial and any obituaries published in the newspaper? 

    I have found these records in the States in familysearch

    I'd like to see if anything new has come online stateside which might give us a nudge forward.


    Tuesday 7th Oct 2014, 04:26PM
  • Hello Tralee Kerry! And thank you for your helpt!

    Thomas White Born 1825 Mary Ann LInden born 1825ish  came over to the United States separately. Thomas came through Canada to New York State before her around 1845 with his brother, James.

    Mary Ann Linden arrived on July 7 1846 to Castle Gardens in New York City. Her ship had been delayed by a storm and Thomas had gone back to his job in another city, maybe Rochester New York. She arrived and looked for an Irish policeman who spoke her "Irish". He took her to his home and contacted Thomas. Thomas and Mary Ann married in New York or Rochester New York. They lived for awhile in Rochester as Mary had family there. The story is that she embarassed them with her country ways and she and Thomas and their young daughter Mary Jane born there in 1850 left and never were in contact with her family again. They settled in Carbondale Pa where Thomas worked in the mines. He also worked for the railroad ...even staying for a time in St Paul Nebraska working for the Railroad there.

    They had children, John who died at birth or soon after around 1847 , Mary Jane, Bridget died at birth in 1853, Julia Ann 1855 Thomas 1858, Michael 1860 and my great grandfather James Linden White born 1863.

    They moved to Nebraska around 1885 and homesteaded in OConnor Nebraska in Greeley County. The Catholic bishop bought land from the railroad and worked hard to get Irish families to move away from Carbondale and the dangerous mines and railroads they worked at and become farmers.

    Thomas died    August 13 1899   in OConnor Nebraska and Mary Ann Linden White died on November 9 1904 in OConnor Nebraska. Both are buried in the cemetary in O'Connor Nebraska near Greeley.

    I do not have his obituary and can not seem to cut and paste hers. I do believe his father's name was John and I think his mother is Bridget Brophy, born around 1790, I believe he had brothers John James Michael and sisters Mary and Bridget. I believe his mother Bridget made it over here. As for Mary Ann, if one uses Irish naming, thomas for her father and Mary or Jane for her Mom. It is said her mother died and her aunt raised her when she was young and that her family left her in Ireland and came to the US .

    If anything else would help just let me know.

    Mary Coleman


    Tuesday 14th Oct 2014, 11:55PM
  • Hello Tralee Kerry! And thank you for your helpt!

    Thomas White Born 1825 Mary Ann LInden born 1825ish  came over to the United States separately. Thomas came through Canada to New York State before her around 1845 with his brother, James.

    Mary Ann Linden arrived on July 7 1846 to Castle Gardens in New York City. Her ship had been delayed by a storm and Thomas had gone back to his job in another city, maybe Rochester New York. She arrived and looked for an Irish policeman who spoke her "Irish". He took her to his home and contacted Thomas. Thomas and Mary Ann married in New York or Rochester New York. They lived for awhile in Rochester as Mary had family there. The story is that she embarassed them with her country ways and she and Thomas and their young daughter Mary Jane born there in 1850 left and never were in contact with her family again. They settled in Carbondale Pa where Thomas worked in the mines. He also worked for the railroad ...even staying for a time in St Paul Nebraska working for the Railroad there.

    They had children, John who died at birth or soon after around 1847 , Mary Jane, Bridget died at birth in 1853, Julia Ann 1855 Thomas 1858, Michael 1860 and my great grandfather James Linden White born 1863.

    They moved to Nebraska around 1885 and homesteaded in OConnor Nebraska in Greeley County. The Catholic bishop bought land from the railroad and worked hard to get Irish families to move away from Carbondale and the dangerous mines and railroads they worked at and become farmers.

    Thomas died    August 13 1899   in OConnor Nebraska and Mary Ann Linden White died on November 9 1904 in OConnor Nebraska. Both are buried in the cemetary in O'Connor Nebraska near Greeley.

    I do not have his obituary and can not seem to cut and paste hers. I do believe his father's name was John and I think his mother is Bridget Brophy, born around 1790, I believe he had brothers John James Michael and sisters Mary and Bridget. I believe his mother Bridget made it over here. As for Mary Ann, if one uses Irish naming, thomas for her father and Mary or Jane for her Mom. It is said her mother died and her aunt raised her when she was young and that her family left her in Ireland and came to the US .

    If anything else would help just let me know.

    Mary Coleman


    Tuesday 14th Oct 2014, 11:55PM
  • Thank you very much for your help and your insight into this. I will take your advice!

    Mary Coleman


    Tuesday 14th Oct 2014, 11:58PM
  • Dear Mary, I just saw your reply and have many ideas which I can't pursue tonight as it is 'silly o'clock' here so I am going to list them out in case I forget them.

    This link lists Greely names Are the Whites among them?

    were the Whites members of the local Catholic Association?

    Did Bishop O'Connor write a memoir?

    Is it possible that copies of the Greely County Tribune survive or the O'Connor Democrat?

    Did the records of the local undertaker survive?

    How about school records? Sometimes children did projects about their families and samples survive.

    If Thomas worked for the railroad or the mines, there may be union records. Sometimes men worked with other men from their home place?

    Do you know anything about the Irish policeman who helped Mary Ann and spoke 'her' Irish. This might have been written up in a newspaper and his bio might give us a clue as to her origin?

    Did the Whites leave land records which might say 'Thomas W originally of....'

    I know how hard it is to be asked to drill deeper but I know from past experience how a small remark in any one of the possibilities I have listed could make all the difference.

    You mentioned Thomas brother James, did he have children/ Could there be something recorded by his line that might open this up?

    Do let me know if any thing here might open up a new door for you. In the meantime I will continue to search as new records come to light. 

    When the Irish Civil (State) Registration records come back online we might be able to find a death for Thomas' parents.

    It might be worthwhile placing a small advert in a paper in the Greely area asking for help?

    Please stay in touch and I will check here when new records become available.

    Warm wishes


    Sunday 19th Oct 2014, 11:59PM
  • Thanks Martine
    Best wishes
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 20th Oct 2014, 10:01AM
  • Thank you, Martine for the suggestions. Will go after them! Great help for us in the United States!


    Mary Coleman


    Thursday 23rd Oct 2014, 04:36PM
  • Thank you, Martine for the suggestions. Will go after them! Great help for us in the United States!


    Mary Coleman


    Thursday 23rd Oct 2014, 04:36PM
  • My pleasure Mary... and please let us know what comes up, we are still waiting for the Civil Records to come back online here.


    Tuesday 4th Nov 2014, 10:00AM

    Hi Mary.  I am also descended from Thomas and Mary Anne Linden White. Their daughter Julia was my great grandmother and my mother Julia Murphy was named for her.  All the details in your description match what I was told by my aunt Monica Ralph.  A fellow descendant, C. Thomas  White (former Chief Justice of the Nebraska  Supreme Court) did some genealogical work on the Whites and Lindens. I believe, however, he is now deceased.

    Good luck on your research.

    Friday 5th Dec 2014, 10:18AM

    Hi Mary.  I am also descended from Thomas and Mary Anne Linden White. Their daughter Julia was my great grandmother and my mother Julia Murphy was named for her.  All the details in your description match what I was told by my aunt Monica Ralph.  A fellow descendant, C. Thomas  White (former Chief Justice of the Nebraska  Supreme Court) did some genealogical work on the Whites and Lindens. I believe, however, he is now deceased.

    Good luck on your research.

    Friday 5th Dec 2014, 10:18AM
  • Hi Mary and Gerald, did you two make contact? Did you find an Irish townland name?
    Do let us know..
    Warm wishes

    Sunday 7th Jun 2015, 02:42PM
  • hello again. I connected with cousins of his. Their stories have no information on the village either. So nothing has been learned about that, unfortunately. I think it will always remain a mystery. I guess one could deduce that the villages were the same or close by as they were engaged when they came separately to the U.S. Thank you for your note . Mary Coleman 



    Sunday 7th Jun 2015, 10:15PM
  • Hello again  We connected through relatives. No village is known from any relatives tried . They were engaged before coming to US so they must be close or the same. No luck. Thank you for asking  Mar




    Monday 8th Jun 2015, 01:32AM

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