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Good morning, Kerry! I am searching for my husband's Tralee ancestors. The surnames of interest are: Burnham, Houneen /Lamb, Hanlon and Stack. Here is what I have learned thus far:

Rice Burnham and Mary Hanlon emigrated to the US from Tralee, via Liverpool in 1884, arriving NY on 21 May 1884 aboard the "Helvetia" and settled in the Springfield/Chicopee, Massachusetts area. 8 of their 9 living children accompanied them; their eldest, Mary Ann, had preceded them to the US/Springfield and had married Stephen J Rahilly, a native of Tralee, on 25 Nov 1883 in Chicopee Falls, MA. 

Per a baptismal record, Rice Burnham Jr. was baptized 17 Apr 1831 in Tralee. He died 22 Aug 1902 in Chicopee, MA.  Rice was a blacksmith by trade. [Note: Family lore has it that many of the old iron gates of Tralee were made by the Burnhams]. Per a baptismal certificate, Mary Hanlon was baptized  3 Sept 1838 in Tralee, Kerry; she died 9 Mar 1905 in Chicopee, MA. Rice & Mary were married 2 Mar 1862 in Tralee, Kerry.

Rice (Elisha) & Mary Hanlon had 13 children: 1. Mary Ann b. 10 Jan 1863 in Tralee, Kerry, Ireland, d. 23 Sept 1936, m. Stephen J Rahilly, 10 children: Ann, Stephen J, Daniel J, Mary Ellen, Elisha, John Joseph, Chrisopher, Patrick, Emily, Michael. 2. Ellen, b. 19 Mar 1864 in Tralee, Kerry d. 12 Jan 1934 Chicopee Falls, MA, m. Denis J Hallahan, no children. 3. Catherine, b. 1 July 1865, d. 1 Mar 1953 Chicopee Falls, MA, Never married. 4. Jane, b. 10 Dec 1866 in Tralee, Kerry,  d. 10 May 1925, m. John F Lynch, 6 children, Thomas P., Mary Elizabeth, John F., Lilian, Francis, Bernadette. 5. Annie, b. 8 Nov 1869, d. ? m James A. Atcheson, no children, last know residence, Hartford, CT 1940. 6. Hannah, b. Aug 1870 Tralee, Kerry, d. 18 Mar 1864 Trumbull, CT, m. George J. Shaw 24 July 1890 in Chicopee, MA, no children. 7. Elizabeth, b. 4 Jul 1871 Tralee, Kerry, d. 1872 Tralee, Kerry. 8. Elizabeth b. 6 May 1873, d. 18 Oct 1965 Springfield, MA, m. Patrick J. Madden 27 July 1899 in Chicopee Falls, MA, 4 children:Joseph, Anna, Mary & Winifred. 9. John Peter, b 28 Jun 1875 Tralee, Kerry, d. 10 Apr 1886 Chicopee, MA. 10. Hanora, b. 29 Jan 1877, d. ? (after 1884, presumably in MA). 11 & 12. Bridget & Teresa, b. 31 Aug 1880 Tralee, Kerry, d. 1880 Tralee, Kerry 13. Elisha Benedict, b. 4 July 1881, d. 30 Dec 1957 Springfield, MA m. Margaret (Maybelle) Bowler, 5 children, Elisha P., Donald J. Raymond, Charles David, and Robert M.  I have traced all these families down to living descendants should anyone be interested in this info.

After the first of their children were born in 1885, Mary Ann Burnham & Stephen J. Rahilly returned to Tralee; their second and subsequent 8 children were born in Kerry. They were living on Strand St in 1901 and John Street in 1911. Mary Ann returned to Springfield,MA in 1920; Daniel had died between the 1901 and 1911 Censuses. 6 of their children emigrated to the US/Massachusetts: Ann (m. Jeremiah Quirk), Steven J., Daniel J., Christopher, Emily (m. John Cain Reidy), and Michael J.. Mary Ellen Rahilly remained in Tralee, married Daniel O'Shea and had 12 children. I believe John, Joseph and Patrick died in infancy and Elisha as a young man (June 1932?) in Tralee.

Having traced Rice Burnham & Mary Hanlon's descendents, I have been trying to locate information on their antecedents. From their death certificates I have learned that Elisha (Rice) Burnham's parents were Elisha (Rice) Burnham and Mary Lamb and Mary Hanlon's parents were Nicholas Hanlon & Mary Stack. I have focused my attention on The Rock in Tralee and environs.

Here is the information I have gathered (from online sources) thus far on them:


Since Elisha "Jr" was born approximately 1834, I am guessing Elisha "Sr" was born approximately 1795-1815. I could not find a baptismal record in this time period for Rice/Elisha in Tralee. I believe that Elisha Sr may have been born Protestant and converted to Catholicism in 1832 (see below); perhaps this explains why he cannot be found in Catholic Parish Registers.

Per a Tralee Church Marriage Record, Rice Burnham and Maria "Ounheen" were married on 13 Feb 1825.

An Elisha (Rice) Burnham - presumably Sr as Rice Jr would have only been 19 -   appears on the 1853 Griffiths Valuation: Baloonagh/Trughanacmy/Tralee, leasing land from John Batemen. "Landed Estates Court Rentals" from 1850 lists a Rice Burnham, leasing in Rock Tenements, Castle Lane, paying annual rent of 1P, "agreement for  7 years, pending cause of Stokes & Bateman."  

Elisha Sr was a blacksmith by trade as indicated in Tralee Petty Court cases in the 1850s.

There was an article in the Kerry Evening Post in August 1832 that spoke of the conversion of Elisha Burnham to Catholicism.

Elisha Sr is still alive and kicking  in 1863, as evidenced by his appearance in Tralee Petty Sessions Court along with his son Rice Jr where he was fined for assaulting another son,  Frances,  on 12 July 1863. 

Children:  I found Tralee Baptismal Records for the following children of Rice Burnham & Mary Lamb (Houheen): James, bapt. 31 July 1826; Catherine, bapt. 16 July 1828; Rice, bapt. 17 Apr 1831; William, bapt. 7 Apr 1833, Francis bapt. 22 Apr 1836; John bapt. 26 Jan 1840; Edward, bapt. 12 Sept 1841, Patrick, bapt. 13 June 1843, Ellen, bapt. 1 July 1845, Thomas, bapt. 22 Aug 1847.

               James: bapt. 31 July 1826 in Tralee, Kerry. Immigrated to US 1852, resided in Brooklyn, NY. m. Johanna Foley? 1853; 3    children: John F., b. Mar 1855 in Brooklyn, NY, m. Bridget Murphy,

               Catherine: bapt.16 July 1828

               Rice, a/n/a Elisha: bapt. 17 Apr 1831 in Tralee, Kerry; m. Mary Hanlon 2 Mar 1862 in Tralee, Kerry, 13 children (see                above); d. 22 Aug 1902 in Chicopee, MA, USA

               William: bapt. 7 Apr 1833

               Francis: bapt. 22 Apr 1836 in Tralee, Kerry, m. Ellen Quirk 25 July 1859 in Tralee, Kerry. Children:   Elisha, b. 24 May                1860, Mary, b.16 Mar 1862, and John, b. 14 Feb 1864

               John: bapt. 26 Jan 1840

               Edward: bapt. 12 Sep 1841

               Patrick: bapt. 13 June 1843

               Ellen:  bapt. 1 July 1845

               Thomas: bapt. 22 Aug 1847   

 An  Anna Burnham was a godparent for Rice & Mary Hanlon Burnham's daughter, Annie, suggesting a strong family relationship. 

A 27 Oct 1863 article in the Tralee Chronicle details a court case brought by Rice Burnham, father,  against his son Frances. Another Tralee Chronicle article, dated 17 Nov 1863, details a case in the Tralee Petty Session of Frances Burnham against his brother William Burnham.

Possible siblings of Rice Sr:

The Griffiths Valuation lists 3 Burnhams in Tralee in 1851-52: Rice and Francis of the Rock and Edward of Russell St.

* Francis Burnham is listed as a lessor of many properties in Baloonagh/Tralee on the Griffiths Valuation and as a lessee of property from John Batemen.  He also appears as defendant/complainant in many lawsuits in Tralee Petty Courts against lessees . There is a Frances Burnham on the "Reports from Committees, Fictitious Votes (Ireland), Select Committee on Fictitious Votes, 1837 & 1838, listed as living in Tralee/Rock Street. I found  2 Baptismal records which list f. Frances Burnham  and m. Ann Payne: Alice bapt. 4 May 1834, and Ann, bapt 11 Dec 1836. They may also have had a son Joseph b. app 1835-38; I found a baptismal certificate for an Elisha Joseph Burnham bapt. 9 July 1865, f. Joseph Burnham, m. Johanna Freeman - their Kilkenny marriage certificate of 22 Mar 1856 lists Frances as Joseph's father.. There is an 1866 death record for a Francis Burnham of Tralee, d @ 55 yrs (b.1811).

*Edward Burnham is listed on the Griffiths Valuation: Tralee/Trughanacmy/Tralee, leasing from George Gunn. There is a marriage record for Edward Burnham & Ann Wilson m. 15 Sept 1820, witness Rice Burnham. [Note: I found a Baptismal record for a son Elisha Burnham bapt.12 Nov 1832]

* I found a Baptismal Record listed on Nash Collection of Co. Kerry Newspaper Cuttings LDS Film #0477616 for a Honora Burnham b. 2 May 1790, f. Elisha, m. Catherine. An Honora Burnham m. George Cushin on 6 Sept 1820, sponsor Catherine Burnham.

*A Catherine Burnham died Jan-Mar of 1884  @ 73yrs  (b. 1811).

*George Burnham was a blacksmith in Tralee as indicated on Tralee Petty Court Register from 1857-1870. A George Burnham was godparent to Rice Jr.  I found  baptismal records for 3 children born to George Burnham & Mary Fitzmaurice:  Ellen, bapt. 17 June 1834, Catherine, bapt. 4 Aug 1839 and Mary, bapt. 20 Feb 1841.  A 15 Nov 1861 Tralee marriage record for a William Burnham & Ellen Connor lists "George" as father, so this may be another son of George & Mary Fitzmaurice . A George Burnham of Tralee died in 1865 at 50 yrs old (b.1815).

*John Burnham was listed as "father" on the Marriage Record of a William Burnham who married Ann Egan 20 Oct 1867.  Perhaps , this is the William Burnham on the 1901 Census, living on Rocket Lane in Tralee, age 60 (b 1841), occupation "whitesmith". I found baptismal records for 5 children of this William and Ann Egan: Mary Jane bapt. 11 Aug 1868, , Ann bapt. 26 Jun 1870, Edward bapt.19 Sept 1871, Margaret bapt. 25 Oct 1873, and Jane bapt. 21 Jan 1880. Son Edward is married, living on Rock St on the 1901 census with his wife Hanora Flynn and 6 month old son William, occupation "Engine Smith". [Note: William (John's son) was listed as born in Dublin]. There is only one Burnham in Tralee on the 1911 Census: an Edward Burnham, widower, blacksmith, living in Boherboy with children Thomas b. 1901, Elizabeth b. 1903 and Mary b. 1906 and a  sister Jane b.1876.

An Ann Burnham of Tralee died Jan-Mar of 1889 at 95 yrs (b. 1795)



The only Burnham on the 1823 Tralee Tithe Appt. Books was Elisha Burnham living on West Rock St. I suspect that this is Rice Sr.'s father



 This family originally went by the surname "Uoneen/Ouneen/Houneen". Could this be Gaelic for 'lamb"?  The anglicized surname "Lamb" first appears on a baptismal record for a Edward Lamb (Huoneen) born 15 May 1831 to Thomas Lamb & Mary Mullins; baptismal records for prior children listed Huoneen as Thomas' surname. I would be interested if anyone out there has any info on the Houneen surname.

I could not find any Baptismal Records for a "Mary Lamb or Uoneen/Ouneen/Houneen" in the likely period of 1790-1810. Indeed, I could only find one baptismal/marriage record for the" Lamb" surname in Church Records from 1772-1832 (Joseph Lamb m. Maria Cahill 4 Feb 1806).

Mary Ounheen (Lamb) married Rice Burnham on 13 Feb 1825 in Tralee. Sponsors, James Ounheen & Maurice Collins (registrar)

Children: See Rice Burnham Sr

Mary Lamb Burnham appears in the Tralee Petty Sessions Court on 6 August 1863 accused of assaulting her son Frances Burnham on 31 July.

I found Catholic birth records for the following Uoneen/Ouneen/Houneens, some born around Mary's likely DOB (possible siblings):


  * John Houneen, bapt 12/1796, f. James Houneen, m. Ellen Slattery, sponsors Eugene Sweeney & Maria Sheehy

  * Thomas Houneen, bapt. 7/1798, f. James Houneen, m. Ellen Slattery, sponsors Jeremiah Hanlon & Elizabeth Fitzgerald

  * Cornelius Huoneen, bapt. 7/24/1812, f. James Houneen, m. Ellen Slattery, sponsors Thomas Huoneen & Bridget Slattery

  * Joan Houneen, bapt. 03/1800, f. James Houneen, m. Margaret Slattery, sponsors Timothy? Kelliher & Ellen Houneen

  * Thomas Houneen, bapt. 2/20/1806, f. James Houneen, m. Mary Slattery, sponsors Thomas Slattery & Mary Cahill

  * John Houneen, bapt ?, f. John Houneen, m. Mary Cahill, sponsors John Gilbert? & Judith Cahill

  * Denis Uoheen? bapt. 6/3/1806, f. Denis Uoheen?, m. Joan Fitzgerald

  * Bartholemew Houneen, bapt. 06/1800, f. Patrick Houneen, m. ? Gallawan

  * Thomas Huoneen, bapt. 4/17/1791, f. John Huoneen, m. Margaret Grummel, sponsors Eugene Sweeney & Ellen Connor

  * Patrick Oenheen, bapt. 5/23/1787, f. John Oenheen, m. Joan Grumweld?, sponsors John Kelly & Margaret Cronin

  * Ellen Uoheen, bapt. 4/22/1778, f. John Uoheen, m. Joan Grumweld?, sponsors Michael Conway & Joan Gaflaun?




A James Ounheen married Mary Cahillane on the 13 Feb 1825 (the same day as Rice Sr & Mary Ounheen).  This suggests a strong family relationship, probably siblings. Sponsors were Jeremia Tuite? and James Ounheen, Sr?


The Griffiths Valuation lists 3 Lambs in Tralee in 1853: Cornelius and Patrick of  The Rock and John of The Square. There were frequent battles in the Tralee Courts between Rice Burnham and Patrick  Lamb


I found a baptismal record for a Cornelius "Hueneen", b.24 Jul 1812 in Tralee/Rock, f. James, m. Ellen Slattery, a death record for a Cornelius "Lamb", d. 1887 @ 76 (b. 1811). I also found a record of a will for a Cornelius Lamb of Tralee, "Kerry Court Keeper", dec'd 18 May 1887, proved in Cork on 7 Jun 1887 by John Lamb of Boherbee and Patrick Slattery of Abbey St.


I found Tralee death records for a Thomas Lamb 1869 @ 70 (b. 1799), John Lamb Jan-Mar 1880 @ 84 (b.1796) and Patrick Lamb 1875 @ 70 (b.1805).



The Tithe Appt. Books have a James, John and Patrick Houneen living on West Rock St in 1823.




Children: I found Baptismal Certificates for  8 children with Mary Stack: Bridget bapt. 1 Apr 1828, Michael bapt. 16 Sept 1829, Redmond bapt. 3 May 1832, Catherine bapt. 20 Nov 1833, Ellen bapt. 25 Aug 1836, Mary bapt. 3 Sept 1838, Nicholas bapt. 12 Aug 1844 and Bridget bapt. 20 Sept 1846. Note: There is also a recorded baptism for a Catharine Hanlon on 30 Mar 1828 f.  [illegible] Hanlon, m. Mary Stack

                Bridget: bapt. 1 Apr 1828

               Michael: bapt. 16 Sept 1829

               Redmond:  bapt. 3 May 1832

               Catherine: bapt. 20 Nov 1833

               Ellen: bapt. 25 Aug 1836

               Mary: bapt. 3 Sept 1838; m. Rice (Elisha) Burnham 2 Mar 1862 in Tralee, Kerry, 13 children (see above); d. 9 Mar 1909 in  Chicopee, MA, USA.

               Nicholas: b. 12 Aug 1844

               Bridget: b. 20 Sept 1846


Godparents for Rice Burnham & Mary Hanlon's children include Michael & Elizabeth(wife?), Annie, Edmund, John, Mary, and Nicholas  & Hanora (wife?) Hanlon.

Possible siblings:

The following Hanlons were on the 1853 Griffiths Valuation: Catherine & John of Moydore Well Lane, Jeremiah & Michael of Abbey  St  and John of the Rock. Jeremiah and Michael were butchers as was one of the Johns.

John and Michael Hanlon were godparents for Nicholas & Mary Stack Hanlon's children suggesting a strong family relationship (brothers/cousins).


The Tithe Appt. Books have a Michael and John Hanlon living on East Rock Street and a Daniel Hanlon living on West Rock St (next to Elisha Burnham) in 1823.



I found 4 Baptismal for "Mary Stack" in the Tralee Church Registers: 1. bapt. Feb 1797, f. Martin, m. Catherine Gorman 2. bapt. 2 Apr 1802, f. Patrick, m. Maria Cahane 3. bapt. 12 Oct 1809, f. Michael, M. Joan Kedwick & 4. bapt. 28 Mar 1811, f. Robert, m. Ann Collins.

Children: See Nicholas Hanlon

Possible Siblings:

Bartholomew, Edmund, Ellen, and Michael & Sara Stack were godparents for  Nicholas & Mary Stack Hanlon's children suggesting a strong family relationship.


The Tithe Appt. Books have an Edmund Stack  living on East Rock St in 1823. There are many Stacks on nearby Brogue Makers Lane: East - James Stack & North - James x 2, Robin, Garrett, John, John, Roden x 2, Carrell


Thursday 14th Apr 2016, 11:06PM

Message Board Replies

  • Gorman:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I will alert our Tralee parish liaison that you have posted a message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 14th Apr 2016, 11:34PM
  • Dear Gorman, what amazing research! I will need to take some time to study it properly.

    Lamb in Irish is indeed 'uan' and would have been spelled phonetically.

    The family name Lamb in Cork is mainly associated with Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)

    If you are trying to trace further back, you will need to pick out the landlords names from Griffiths etc and this website will give you a list of estate papers, if any survive, which might give more information re. your husband's ancestors. Many of them are not online but you might be able to find someone who lives in Dublin who would be able to do a 'look-up' for you.

    And have you tried this archive also?

    another but less direct approach is to look in the English Census for family members who might have travelled there for work this sometimes can give you information about the family at home.

    Keep in touch and I'll try to see if more thoughts come to me upon further study.



    Friday 15th Apr 2016, 10:09PM
  • Many thanks, Martine, for all the great leads. I appreciate any help you can give! 

    I, too, will continue digging and see what I can find. I suspect that there are descendents of Mary Ann Burnham (my husband's 2nd great aunt) & Steven J Rahilly still in Tralee. By my count, they had 47 grandchildren! Perhaps one of their Rahilly/Quirk/O'Shea/Reidy descendents has done some research on the Burnhams that may help. I'd be happy to reciprocate with any research needs they may have on this side of the pond.  

    I am intrigued by the evolution of the Lamb surname. It saddens me, too. Speaking of names, the given name of "Redmond" (Hanlon) is interesting - wasn't there an Irish "Robin Hood" by that name?

    I will definitely explore the English census, especially for the Burnhams. There were also other "nests" of Stacks in the Springfield, MA area that merit some investigation.

    Thanks again,

    Eileen Gorman Griffin


    Sunday 17th Apr 2016, 05:04PM
  • Hi Eileen,

                  I have Hanlons in my family tree from my mums side. Mine were from Asdee in north Kerry and they moved from the Ballyduff/Rattoo area to Asdee. I'm intrigued by your post as my grandfather Patrick Hanlon married a Margaret Stack around the early 1900's. I'm not really sure there is a connection but thought it was interesting.

                 What a lot of work you have done on your tree, good work and good luck.



    Wednesday 4th May 2016, 03:25PM
  • I also have Hanlons in my tree.  My g-great grandmother was Ellen Hanlon, but she was born around 1850.  She married Maurice Wallace in 1875.  My great-grandmother Margaret Wallace was born in West Commons around 1878.

    Thursday 5th May 2016, 03:41PM
  • Hi Ken,

    I'm not sure it will help you as your ancesters appear to have hailed from Ballybunion/Ballylongford parish but I have a spreadsheet of all the Tralee Hanlon and Stack births from the NLI registers 1770-1880s that I'd be happy to pass along. I'm working on the marriages now 






    Thursday 5th May 2016, 07:13PM
  • Hi Eileen,

                   My family were orginally from around Ratoo/Ballyduff direction. I would be interested in the trees you are

    working on as there may be a more distant connection further back.

    Good searching,



    Friday 6th May 2016, 06:40AM
  • Hi Eileen,

                   Any chance of sending the Hanlon family trees that you mentioned? I'm now suspecting my tribe 

    may have originated in Tralee possibly the John and Michael from the Tithe Applotments 1823? I also have

    a possible Timothy Hanlon and Ellen Shea who were potentially parents of these two. There seemed to be several

    Sheas in the Tithe Applotments Tralee 1823.

    I also have a Hanlon/Stack as grandparents in Asdee but several generations from your researches.




    Tuesday 14th Jun 2016, 01:48PM
  • Hello

    I am aware of a Elisha Payne Burnham from Tralee who arrived in Victoria Australia in Feb 1858.. He was a blacksmith. I am aware of him residing in Clunes, Ballarat and in Eltham, both in Victoria.

    he died in New South Wales on 30 Dec 1902


    BURNHAM.—December 30, at Carcoar Hospital, Elisha Payne Burnham, late of Hobby's Yards, aged 68 years.

    The Sydney Mail and NSW Advertiser 7 Jan 1903 p.61



    Monday 8th May 2017, 02:13PM
  • Hi Eileen,

                     Any chance of sending that spreadsheet of the Tralee Hanlons as my tree seems to originate there.



    Saturday 7th Mar 2020, 01:35PM
  • Attached Files

    Hi Ken,

    Sorry I dropped the ball on this!  I uploaded a .pdf of the Hanlon births.  If you need the Excel file let me know and I can send it directly to you (XO doesn't accept them).

    Happy Hunting!




    Sunday 8th Mar 2020, 02:48AM
  • Thanks so much Eileen for your generosity.


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 8th Mar 2020, 10:12PM
  • Thanks Eileen for the Hanlon list, none of my direct ancestors but I have got some around Tonevane. How far from Tralee did you go out from in yor list of Hanlon's?




    Tuesday 10th Mar 2020, 07:46AM

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