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Hi I am trying to find anyone that may know anything about a John McCarthy who married a Margaret Clifford and they lived in Ash Hill Ballymacelligott around the 1860s. They had a son Micheal born 1868 and I am searching to confirm a daughter also born to them around 1863 -  1864. Her name was Julia and she came to New Zealand on the ship Doric in 1884. Julia had a child out here not long after she arrived and this child could have been my Grandmother.

I am desperate to find anything that may help me connect the dots.

Kindest Regards

Joan West


Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 10:10AM

Message Board Replies

  • Joan:

    I looked at which has Co. Kerry church records. I searched for a Julia McCarthy in Ballymacelligott and Tralee but did not find a baptism in that period to parents John McCarthy and Margaret Clifford. If you have not done so, I would search this site and maybe you will have better success. This is a free site sponsored by the Irish government.

    I also searched ad located the 1868 baptism for Michael which was in Tralee but no record for a Julia..

    Civil registration started in 1864 and you mentioned that Julia was born either 1863 or 1864. There were 14 Julia McCarthy births registered in 1864 at a minimum including one in the Tralee registration district. I only searched McCarthy and did not include variants like M Carthy and M'Carthy. I would not try to get a copy of the record until you have some confirmation on the year of birth.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 03:58PM
  • To Roger

    Thank You so much for getting back to me. Yes I have searched all over Ireland for Julia's baptisim or birth records but to no avail. Iv'e searched all the sites I can think of. I can only think that her birth wasn't registered.On all records here the information is the same and the age matches up as well from the shipping records. I am also in touch with Martine over there and she has sent me some wonderful info on Ballymacelligott. It looks so beautiful I'd hope to visit one day.

    Thank You Again



    Saturday 2nd Aug 2014, 07:37AM
  • Hi Joan.i am trying to make sense of a McCarthy family that were from Ballymacelligot.My Michael was born around 1868 to a father called John. May I ask how you know they were from Ash Hill?this was the area I was most interested in as I thought the a john that lived their in 1901 might be his father. I would love if this family was connected to yours!



    Monday 22nd Dec 2014, 02:30PM
  • Hi Linda

    I read your message with excitement as  I've not had any left for a while. I came to Ballymacelligott through searching for a Julia McCarthy Birth from County Kerry Who she named her parents as John McCarthy and Margaret Clifford the only other birth I found with those parents names was connected to Micheal. The births were only a few years apart Although I have not found a registration yet for Julia's birth but there is one unexplained one in Tralee at that time so am investigating that one at the moment.I then found the family lived in Ballymacelligott. I have Had so much support and help from IRO that I couldn't have done it without them. I'm not sure where you are but I'm in New Zealand which is where Julia came to and had a child who was my Grandmother The child was left with the Sisters of Mercy to raise so you can see how difficult it's been to trace let alone confirm anything at this stage.

    I hope this is what you'd like to know and that we will keep in touch.




    Tuesday 23rd Dec 2014, 04:12AM
  • Hi Linda, I am just now catching up with you all online after Xmas. It would be so wonderful if you and Joan are connected..we have been searching for so long with so many obstacles. I have my fingers crossed!


    Tuesday 13th Jan 2015, 06:25PM

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