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I am looking for information on my ancestors from the Connell/OConnell family:

Julia Connell (1841-1906), married Felix Neill and they lived in Corabeg. Julia was the daughter of Michael Connell. Julia and Felix had two daughters that survived to adulthood: Mary (b. 1872, emigrated to USA) and Johana (married Martin Neil). I am looking for any information on this family, especially any siblings of Julia nee Connell and the families of the siblings.


Wednesday 8th Jan 2014, 06:10AM

Message Board Replies

  • Carlye: is an Irish government web site that has some Co. Kerry baptismal and marriage records including some for Valentia parish. I searched under Julia Connell and did find the baptismal records for Mary in 1872 and Johanna in 1875. I also found a third baptismal record for a Julia Neill born on 11/28/1878 to Felix Neill and Julia Connell. That record is below. Not sure if this child survived into adulthood. I also looked at the 1901 census for Coarhabeg (spelling in the census) and there were a number of Connell families in that townland.

    Roger McDonnell


    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - VALENTIA

    Baptism of JULIA NEILL of COROBEG on 30 November 1878

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    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 8th Jan 2014, 04:12PM
  • Hello there,


    I believe that Julia had a brother Bartholomew, Felix and Julia were sponsors at his daughters baptism.


    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - VALENTIA
    Baptism of MARY NEIL of COROBEG on 30 October 1872

    Date of Birth
    28 October 1872
    Further details in the record
    Child Denomination
    Father Occupation
    Sponsor 1
    Sponsor 2

    Name     JOHANNA NEIL
    Date of Birth     1 February 1875
    Address     COROBEG
    Father     FELIX NEIL
    Mother     JULIA CONNELL
    Further details in the record
    Child Denomination    RC
    Father Occupation    NR
    Sponsor 1    MICHAEL O'CONNELL
    Sponsor 2    ELLEN KEATING
    Priest    NR

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - VALENTIA

    Baptism of JULIA NEILL of COROBEG on 30 November 1878

    Name     JULIA NEILL
    Date of Birth     28 November 1878
    Address     COROBEG
    Father     FELIX NEILL
    Mother     JULIA CONNELL
    Further details in the record
    Child Denomination    RC
    Father Occupation    NR
    Sponsor 1    JAMES SULLIVAN
    Sponsor 2    HONORA KEATING
    Priest    NR

    Julia died 1880…

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - VALENTIA

    Baptism of MARY CONNELL of COROBEG on 1 August 1871

    Name     MARY CONNELL
    Date of Birth     29 July 1871
    Address     COROBEG
    Mother     MARY SULLIVAN
    Further details in the record
    Child Denomination    RC
    Father Occupation    NR
    Sponsor 1    FELIX NEIL
    Sponsor 1 Address    NR
    Sponsor 2    JOHANNA NEIL
    Sponsor 2 Address    NR
    Priest    NR





    Wednesday 8th Jan 2014, 04:15PM
  • Thank you for this helpful information.  Does anyone know who godparents/sponsors were in those years? For example, these days in the U.S., godparents/sponsors of a child's baptism are usually siblings or friends of the parents (and usually from the same generation as the parents). Does anyone know whether this is how it was done back in Ireland during these times?


    I think that Julia Connell (who married Felix Neil) may have had a brother named John Connell who married a Mary Neil.  This Mary Neil died about 1874. John and Mary had a son Patrick who married Mary Shea. I think that John's and Julia's father was named Michael Connell.  Can anyone help me to confirm these relationships or shed light?

    Also, I am planning a trip to Valentia for April (my first visit).  Does anyone have any idea where Felix and Julia (Connell) Neil would be buried?


    Thank you so much.



    Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 01:43AM
  • Carlye:

    In my experience, baptismal sponsors were either relatives or friends. Below is a link to the Catholic Church in Valentia (Immaculate Conception) which was built in 1914. I would be e-mail them.They should be able to tell you where your family might be buried.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 04:15PM
  • Thanks for the link to the church. I emailed them. Hopefully they will be able to help!

    Do you all (those of you who help people on this site) live on the island?

    Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 08:01PM
  • Carlye:

    I live in the States (Maryland) and I believe Brendan lives in Dublin. Some of the parish liaisons live locally in the parish. There is no current parish liaison for Valentia.

    There are about five of us who look at all the messages and try to help anyone that we can. We get about 20 messsages a day on average but it will pick up in the next couple months.



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 26th Jan 2014, 12:56AM
  • Hi Carlye,


    Valentia Island has its own genealogy forum, join for free and post your question.





    Sunday 26th Jan 2014, 09:10AM
  • Thanks Brendan. I posted there on yuku (my message is the last post) but no replies yet.

    Can I ask you guys a question about how to interpret the data in Griffith's valuation? My understanding is that the numbered lots in the map correspond to the numbers listed in the far-left-hand column of the valuation datasheets. There is a numbered lot "22" on the island which is the lot where my ancestors lived (Felix Neil) but when I look through the lists of names and properties, the numbered lots for Corhabeg only go up to 12.  Am I missing something?

    Tuesday 28th Jan 2014, 08:58PM
  • Hi Carlye,


    Griffiths Valuation was compiled by a valuer, the census was compiled by enumerators. The order that the valuer compiled his records is different to census returns.




    Wednesday 29th Jan 2014, 07:53AM
  • Maybe I don't understand the Griffith valuation very well. I thought it consisted of maps and then the datasheets ot property owners reflected in the maps (by lot numbers).

    Wednesday 29th Jan 2014, 03:37PM
  • Does anyone know anything about Foley family members on the island?  My great-great-great-grandparents were John Foley and Nellie (Murphy) Foley. They had several children, most of whom emigrated to the U.S. Their children were Nora, Michael, THomas, Mary, Patrick, Dennis, Nellie...all born in the late 1800s...Dennis is the only one who stayed in Ireland as far as I know. He probably died in the early 1950s.  My great-grandmother said that the Foleys were from a part of the island called "The Strand." She went back in the 1960s and asked around but everyone said that there were no Foleys on the island. I am guessing it's because John, Nellie, and Dennis had died, and the rest of the kids had come to the U.S....

    Wednesday 29th Jan 2014, 03:41PM

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