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5I am trying to trace my Great Grandfather William Flynn.  In 1901 he lived with his family at 25 Sullivan St, Dublin, with his wife Mary and his 6 children, all of whom were born in Dublin.  His place of birth was listed as Queens County, but no parish was mentioned. Mary was listed as being born in Westmeath. I have found no record of their marriage and any search for Williams birth in 1843 brings up several William Flynn’s.  Anyone of any suggestions as to were I should search.  The children’s names on 1901 census were Sara (11) Michael (10) Thomas (6) Jenny (4) Christine (2) and my grandfather William Edward (5mths).  There was always family talk of an Auntie Eileen in Ireland she may have been born later.  


Monday 25th Feb 2019, 07:09PM

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    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 25th Feb 2019, 08:10PM

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