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I have recently found some information that my 3x great grandfather Michael McCue ( sp McKew or McHugh) may have lived in the Kilkenny Parish of Maryborough. I am looking for records on Maria ( Mira or Mariah) McCue  bapt 1830, Julia bapt 1834,  and Jeremiah bapt 1843.

 Reachingout Ireland staff previously verified that Michael had several children with wife Mary Dunne  in Portarlington as follows: Judy bapt 16/9/1828, Patrick bapt 14/11/1830, Bridget bapt 5/8/1833, Michael bapt 16/3/1836 - my 3x great grandfather, John bapt 13/1/1839, Fanny bapt 7/6/1840.

Maria McCue (bapt 1829 -31) married Edward Moran and they were living in Sing Sing, NY ( now called Ossining). In Maria's 1891 will she named several potential heirs- her brothers- my great grand father Michael (and his wife Annie) and Jeremiah, and her sister Julia Brady husband Terence Brady                                                                                                                                   

She also named relatives still living in Ireland as follows:                                                                                                               Fanny is mentioned in the 1891 will as "Fanny Dunn residing in Marybone, Queen's Co, Ireland"                                            Bridget is also mentioned as "Bridget Dowling  residing in Marybone, Queen's Co., Ireland"                                                              Mary Dowling is also mentioned in Marybone, Queen's Co., Ireland".



Tuesday 31st May 2016, 08:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mary:

    Welcome back!

    There are no additional  records on Roots Ireland for any other children of Michael McCue and Mary Dunne in Co. Laois besides the six records already provided. Here is the link to the Maryborough RC parish register in case you want to look for the missing records.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 31st May 2016, 09:28PM
  • Thnak you for your help. I will pursue this. I also very much enjoyed reading the Schools' Collection from this area. What a wonderful resource. I would NOT have known about it except for you newsletter. Thanks again. Mary McCue Greene 


    Thursday 2nd Jun 2016, 03:03PM
  • Thanks Mary

    Glad you enjoy our Newsletter!

    All the best

    Clare Doyle

    Ireland Reaching Out 

    Friday 3rd Jun 2016, 07:50AM

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