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Hello I did some research on my grandfather, Christopher Moran through and I believe that he may be from Maryborough, Ireland. If I am correct, his parents were Owen Moran and Catherine Carrig (per Marriage certificate - 1897). I found a 1911 census that indicated he lived there along with:

Owen Moran - he was a sawyer (born Kilkenny)

Kate Moran - wife of Owen (born Co Kerry)

Maregret Moran - daughter of Owen (born Co Kerry)

Mary Moran - daughter of Owen (born Co Kilkenny)

Bridget Moran - daughter of Owen (born Co Kilkenny)

James Moran - son of Owen (born Co Kerry)

Christopher Moran - son of Owen (my grandfather) (born Kilkenny) Born December 19, 1909

The odd thing is it seems like they moved around a lot? Any information would be helpful as I don't have much to go on for this side of the family. 


Thank you,


Thursday 30th Mar 2017, 04:30AM

Message Board Replies

  • Maureen,

    This looks to be Kate and 2 children with her sister in law in 1901:

    Bridget had been one of the witnesses at Owen & Kate’s wedding. Owen was not at home on census night. Can’t see him in the 1901 census. The couple had had 6 children by 1911, 5 of whom were still alive.

    Margaret was born 12.7.1898 in Dooncaha, Kerry. Father a labourer. Mother’s maiden name Carrig.

    Mary was born 12.10.1900 at Warrenstown, Urlingford. Father was  a labourer. Mothers mn Carroll.

    Michael was born 19.1.1902 Warrenstown, Urlingford. He died 8 days later on 27.1.1902 of cardiac failure.

    Bridget was born 17.3.1903 in Warrenstown, Urlingford, Kilkenny. Father a labourer. Mother’s maiden name recorded as Carrigan.

    James was born 15.5.1906 in Sallowglass, Co  Kerry. Father a labourer. Mother’s mn Carrig.

    Christopher was born 19.12.1909 in Johnstown, Urlingford. Father a labourer. Mothers mn Carrigan.

    The 1897 marriage cert gives Owen’s address as Johnstown, and his father is named as Michael, a labourer. So this might be him in the 1901 census:

    Owen was born Johnstown, Kilkenny. His mother was Margaret Watson. Parents marriage registered in Urlingford 1872.

    Possible birth for Kate Carrig on 8.9.1876 in Meelchin, or Meelcon, Glin, Kerry. Father James a labourer. Mothers mn Mary Enright.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 1st Apr 2017, 04:45AM
  • Thanks for reply Elwyn! The information was extremely helpful. In fact with that I was able to locate civil records of a marriage certificate. I did find that Michael Moran and Margaret Watson (Owen Moran's parents) were married in the Roman Catholic Chapel of Johnstown (Urlingford) in 1872 per civil records. I would like to find the original church if that is possible? 

    Thanks again for all the help!

    Friday 28th Sep 2018, 04:03AM
  • Maureen,

    Can’t help you with the church. There are several in the area. I am not a local and I think you would need to enquire locally to find out which it was. Here’s info on the churches in the area:

    Someone in the parish office may be able to assist.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 5th Oct 2018, 05:42PM

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