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~~I would like to update what I've found out so far and am looking for any help on going further.  My gggrandfater was Daniel O'Sullivan married to Ellen O'Leary.  His son my ggrandfater was John O'Sullivan born Jan 27, 1844 in Newcastle.  He married Margaret Herbert on Feb. 2, 1869 at St. Bartholomew's RC Church in Athea.  I can account for them and thier nine children all born in Ardagh, Limerick.  They all settled in Chicago, Illinois, USA with John and Margaret arriving in 1891.  Here is what I'm trying to find out.

1.  I found a record of Daniel occupying land leased from a William Irwin In the village of Feenagh.  Is there any way to figure out an address from theGriffith's Valuation?

2.  How can I find out if Daniel O'Sullivan and Ellen O'Leary had any more children?  I have tried Ancesty, Family Search, Roots and Church records online and have found out nothing about them.

3.  I am planning a trip to the area in May of 2015.  Is it possible to drive from the city of Limerick and go to Ardagh, Newcastle, Athea and Feenagh all on the same day?  I have found Newcastle West and Ardagh on a map but not the other two.

4.  My Grandfater and all his siblings show being born in Ardagh, Newcastle, Limerick, Ireland.  Is there any way to find out where they were baptized or what the Church is for that area, we would like to visit it while there.  I was also told that The school they went to is still standing and would like to visit that.

5.  Lastly I was wondering what cemetary would be used in this area.

Thank you for taking the time to read through all this and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 07:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Jean,

    My great grandfather Timothy Sullivan, born in the early 1840s, was baptized in Rathkeale which is a short distance from Newcastle West and Ardagh.  His wife Ellen Ambrose grew up just outside of Ardagh and was baptized in Kilcoman Church, a few miles away from Ardagh.  Therefore, you may want to check the churches and cemeteries in both Ardagh and Kilcoman.  There is also a large cemetery in the countryside between Ardagh and Kilcoman which is not connected to a church.  I am sorry that I cannot be more precise, but I have only been in this area twice while I was searching for information on my own great grandparents.

    You can go the office of the Catholic church in Newcastle West to get information on the baptism records.

    While you it is possible to go to Newcastle West, Ardagh and Athea in the same day (I do not know Feenagh, but I assume that it must be in the same general area), you may want to have an extra day so as to have enough time to visit the parish offices and the cemeteries.  Newcastle West is a very pleasant town to spend a night.

    Since your Sullivan ancestors and my Sullivan ancestors came from a very short distance apart, it is possible that they may have been related. 


    Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 08:37PM
  • Deborah,

    Thanks for the information.  I am going with my sisters and nieces and we want to see as much as possible.  I see your name is IllinoisLass, I'm in Chicago.




    Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 08:42PM
  • Look up on Line,

    Feenagh Parish & Select,

    Feenagh - Kilmeedy - Limerick Diocese - Parish Detail

    In Google Maps enter,

    Feenagh & Kilmeedy & 

    You will find It.




    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 06:44PM
  • Jean,

    I grew up in Springfield but now live in Colorado.

    Have you ever taken a DNA test? It may let us know if we are related. I took the Family Finder test given by Family Tree DNA. I also had my nephew take the Y DNA test.

    I found the name of the cemetery I mentioned. It is Kilbradran.


    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 09:31AM
  • John--Thanks for the info.

    Deborah--Yes, I did the DNA with Ancestry and also have it uploaded to Gedmatch. How would we compare to see if we're related? Are you on either site? My Grandfather was a Timothy and there are a lot of Timothy's in our line.



    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 05:32PM
  • Jean,

    My kit number on Gedmatch is F195644.


    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 08:09PM
  • Jean,


    Have you checked to see if we have a match?  Are you able to email me directly from Gedmatch?


    I think that I may have copies of the Newcastle West church records for the Sullivan's.  I will have  to check when I get home in a few weeks.  I am currently traveling and will be in Ireland, including two nights in Newcastle West.



    Thursday 25th Sep 2014, 05:11AM
  • Deborah,

    I did get a chance to check and we were not a match. I was so hopeful because we had the name Timothy and the city in common. I would be very interested in those church records if you get the time when you get home. Have a great trip!



    Thursday 25th Sep 2014, 05:27AM
  • Hi Jean,

    We are currently in Newcastle West.  Be sure to have a GPS when you are here.  It is the only way to find town lands since they are not shown on any maps that I have seen.

    Several other kits to check for matches are F306156, F245012, F302276 and F205341.  These are for people related to me on my Sullivan side.  Often, people will match with one person but not a relative, depending on the genes each has inherited.

    I tried to send you an email but do not know if you received it.



    Wednesday 1st Oct 2014, 03:38PM
  • Hi Deborah,

    No, I didn't get the email from you.  Thanks for the tip on the GPS.  I bet it's hard finding areas because I here the names change from the records to present day.

    I checked those other kits and I was a 7th generation match to Margaret.  So I Sullivan's intermingled at some point.

    I hope you're having a wonderful time in Ireland and that you're getting good weather.





    Wednesday 1st Oct 2014, 05:01PM
  • Jean,


    Just sent you another email.  Hopefully, it will work this time.

    You may be related to Margaret through a non-Sullivan connection.  I was at the church in Rathkeale today and may have found her grandmother's baptism record so both sides of her family may have come from this area.



    Wednesday 1st Oct 2014, 07:46PM
  • Deborah,

    I didn't get the second email either. My email is My other names from the same area are Herbert, Vaughan, Cremin and Connelly.



    Thursday 2nd Oct 2014, 09:18PM
  • O'Sullivan stone in  Ardagh Graveyardare : stone 227 and 236

    and in the adjoining Ardagh Cemetery :stone 65, 84, 103, 116, 119. these can be viewed on line at  Ardagh graveyard is the older of the thwo and is listed as ministerland Ardagh , the new cemeterery opened in the 1970's

    St Davids graveyard in Newcastel West is alos onlin as is Kilscannell , this is the graveyard half way between Ardagh and Rathkeale. It is attached to a C of I ruin. Kilcolman and Coolcappagh graveyards are not yet on line Two other graveyards in the area are Kilbrathern and Clonagh.  Clonagh is on line .

    Athea is due east of Ardagh on the road to Listowel,about 6 miles from Ardagh, New castle west is due south circa 4 miles and Limerick city is 24 miles away,  roughly 30 min drive.  Feenagh Kilmeedy parish is the other side of Newcastle West .

    All the baptisms of the O'Sullivans, if born in Ardagh after 1845, will be in the Parish priest house , if you call when you visit he may give you a photocopy of the register.  He is on sick leave at present and may not be here during your visit. Newcastle West register starts in 1816.

    The School in Ardagh opened in 1893, it is now a community center and an new school opened in 1965.

    We don't have post codes here so the address in Feenagh Kilmeedy would be Mr Irwin, townland, Feenagh, Co Limerick.

    Monday 26th Jan 2015, 11:46AM
  • Mary,

    Thank you for all the information!  I will be there in May and forund it most helpful!  Have you heard of Broadford?  I have Vaughans from that area but can't find it on a map.  Also you said the baptisms would be at the Parish priests house.  What is the name of the church.

    Thank you so much for your help!





    Friday 17th Apr 2015, 05:53PM
  • Hello Jean, Broadford is in the south of the county, near the Cork border.  The local church in Ardagh is St Molua, the PP is Fr L Madden. However is is on sick leave, the PP in Newcastrle West is Fr Frnak Duhig and is in charge of Ardagh for the next few months.

    Monday 20th Apr 2015, 09:57AM
  • Hello Jean,

    Greetings from Ireland

    Mary Kury is correct where Broadford is situated,

    Broadford Is 2 Miles 5 Minute drive from Dromcolliher, Co Limerick,

    Look up the 2 Villages on Google Maps & Street View




    Monday 20th Apr 2015, 10:48AM

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