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Looking for info on my G-G-Grandfather Thomas Gethings who died in Muskeagh in 1879. I have also found that the surname is sometimes spelt as Gethins, Githens, and Giddens. Also looking for any info on his wife Winifred Doyle who died in Dublin. They had four children Catherine, Thomas (known as John), Joseph and Mary, who all came to Australia.

Catherine married a James Synnott in Dublin. Thomas (John) married Anna Maria Dunphy who had travelled on the same ship as him and his sister Mary to Australia. any info would be appreciated.


Monday 14th May 2012, 08:58AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there,

    There are Roman Catholic church records available for the diocese of Tomacork (Muskeagh). These date from 1785 for baptismal records and 1793 for marriage records and 1794 for burial records. You can find these at the National Library of Ireland, Pos. 4256. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for more assistance.

    Civil registration records are available from the General Register Office (GRO). These start from 1864 however. You can access the website here:

    You could also try checking the land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38) or the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64). Griffith's is freely available here: or here: Failte Romhat has lots of other useful links you could try looking at.

    Have you checked the immigration records in Australia? You have the name of the ship and a date, so this will help a lot. Generally, more information was given at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure. The University of Woolongong has produced, on microfiche, a complete index and transcript of all information concerning immigrants of Irish origin recorded on ships' passenger lists between 1848 and 1867. These are useul for finding out an exact place of origin as well as parents' names. The Public Record Office of Victoria has good online databases of settlers at Otherwise, other records may be found in the Colonial Office Papers of the UK National Archives, class reference CO 201. This class contains a wide variety of records, including petitions for assisted passages, emigrants' lists, records of emigrants on board ship, peitions from settlers for financial assistance and much more.

    There are estate records for the Kilcommon area. These are found at the National Library of Ireland (NLI).

    The Earl Fitzwilliam: NLI Ms. 6068. Also, Ram: NLI Ms. 8238. Also, Marquess of Rockingham: NLI Mss. 6055, 6056.

    Could you please post your message on the County Dublin page here:

    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Genealogist (Ireland XO)







    Thursday 24th May 2012, 03:37PM
  • Hi there, 

    I have just started to do a bit of research of my own and came across you post, I had come across a Thomas Gethings who died in Muskeagh in 1879 (born 1816), I remembered as my own G-father and GG-father were Thomas Gethings as well. Anyway there is a post at the following link that might be very interesting to you if you have not already seen them:

    Hope this is of some help and happy hunting. We may come across one another again, perhaps we are related. I am living in Ferns, Co. Wexford.


    Frank Gethings.

    Friday 23rd Aug 2013, 11:00PM
  • Hello Frank

    Thanks for your reply. I had a look at Mundia and that is my cousin who has that site, but thanks anyway. It is very frustrating because of the lack of records in Ireland ( damn those pesky English destroying the Census Records), they would have been a great help in finding people. However I shall keep plodding on, I ahve been at it for 15 years, so why stop now. I live in Queensland Australia. No doubt we could be related, and will probably see each others posts on different sites from time to time.

    Cheers Maureen


    Saturday 24th Aug 2013, 09:03AM
  • Hi Frank,

    I'm Maureen's daughter Melanie and recently messaged you through MyHeritage. It appears our DNA matches on there prove that we are related in the distant past. We also match your dad on GEDMATCH. We're now extremely keen to figure out who the common ancestor is. Look forward to hearing from you.



    Friday 21st May 2021, 03:39AM

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