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Have been doing family research since 2005 and recently found more MALONE family connections to the Kilcommon (Erris) Mayo. As a result of a will from his brother REV. PATRICK J. MALONE (abt. 1820-1873) I discovered that my 2x great grandfather, JOHN MALONE (abt. 1818-82) married to MARY GIBBONS (abt. 1833-1909), was a farmer in Glengad in 1873 prior to emigrating to the US.  JOHN & family previously leased land in Cloggarnagh West, Newport, Addergoole up to 1864 (Griffith's Valuation).  I suspect the 800 Pounds woth of effects left by REV. MALONE in will to JOHN might have helped finance passage of many family members to US.

REV. PATRICK J. MALONE resided on William St. in Bellmullet and was administrator (abt. 1847-52) of St. Murdeach's Cathedral in Ballina, Co. Mayo.  He apparently leased 3 plots land at some points during 1855-1857 Griffiths Valuation in Bellmullet, Kilroe, and Green Island and likely still tending his religous flock in Killala parish.  

One of JOHN's sons, PATRICK J. MALONE (abt.1850-1927), was a well-known merchant in Ballina, Co. Mayo, married 3 different wives and had many children, including a DILLON-MALONE branch.  Another son, JOHN J. MALONE (abt 1852) of Binghamstown, married to MARGARET T. MCKENZIE of Emlybeg   also farmed land in area prior to joining my great grandfather PETER MALONE (abt. 1854-1929) & other family members in Massachusetts where I presently reside.  

I am planning another trip to Mayo in two weeks and hope to visit the Bellmullet area.  Looking to find more info. on when MALONE's lived in area, including graveyard and church connected to REV. MALONE. 

Tom Malone


Tuesday 3rd Sep 2013, 01:48AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Tom,

    Thank you very much for your message. I have forwarded it onto one of our volunteers who hopefully may be able to advise or assist you.

    I hope you have a wonderful visit!

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support


    Monday 9th Sep 2013, 02:20PM
  • Hi Karina!

    Thanks to Emma for forwarding this to you and you taking some time to look.  I would be happy if you found anything on short notice.  Be grand to find the Bellmullet area church associated with Rev. Patrick J. Malone and graveyard where he is buried.  

    I also hope the tensions have lessened in the Glengad area over the Shell gas pipeline.   



    Tuesday 10th Sep 2013, 01:32PM
  • Hi Tom,

    I don't know if you got any information on your recent visit here. Rev. Patrick Malone would have served Glencastle Church as well as Belmullet. The Church was located in the grounds of the now Old Cemetary. I looked up this website and his grave is listed there for that cemetary

    Rev. Malone was manager of the first National School in Glencastle. It was built around 1857 in the grounds of the church. Neither the church nor the school can be seen today. A larger school was built in 1887 and closed in 1968. It is still standing across from the Old cemetary. This link gives a little history of education in the area.

    More information could be gotten at the Parish Office in Belmullet located beside the church.

    Kilmore Mayo



    Friday 11th Oct 2013, 09:46PM
  • Hi Kilmore!

    THANKS for the information.  I returned from my wonderful trip on 9/27.  I did not know about REV. PATRICK MALONE's connection to the school. I did travel to Glencastle on my trip where I lit a candle at the "new" church, visited the old cemetery & took pics of Rev. Malone's grave with the old school in background.  A neat personal connection for me to my 2nd Great Grand Uncle REV. PATRICK MALONE is that I am a retired teacher & principal in Massachusetts.  My parents had thoughts that I was going to be a priest. lol

    I was motivated to travel to Glencastle after I visited St. Murdeach's Cathedral Gift Shop in Ballina.   There I discovered a book published in 2012 by Banley House, "Trouble & Strife: 50 Killala Priests 1600-2000" by Fr. Brendan Hoban.   Much to my delight, this 600 page + book had 30 PAGES devoted to REV. PATRICK J. MALONE (1820-1873), the brother of my 2nd great grandfather JOHN MALONE (abt. 1818-82).  Rev. Patrick was featured in the book for his very spirited work as a parish priest fighting against religious proselytizing & advocating for fair RC treatment in the workhouses in Ballina, Bellmullet & various other parishes in Killala Diocese during/after "An Gorta Mor".  The book also had a very long footnote on JOHN's & REV. PATRICK's other brother REV. HUGH MALONE (abt. 1822-1893) who I first found in the US.   Fr. Hoban confirmed again for me the MALONE brothers were born in Glenhest (Cloggernagh West, Newport, Addergoole, Co. Mayo).  His book also provided me with a little more family info. including the maiden name of my 3rd GGMother MARY O'DONNELL MALONE and thus a new O'DONNELL branch to my tree.

    Fr. Hoban mentioned Rev. PATRICK MALONE was buried in the old cemetery in Glencastle, Co. Mayo, his last church before he died in 1873.  As I drove beyond Ballina to see Rev. Pat's grave I was in awe viewing the near treeless, strikingly beautiful rolling grass/bog landscape of northwest Glencastle/Bellmullett, Co Mayo area.  As mentioned, I found his grave in the overgrown old cemetery across from the pub & next to old school in the village.  His epitaph read: "Pray for the soul of Rev. P. Malone P. P. who died 9th of April, 1893,  Aged 53 Years.  He was the friend of the poor and distressed, the father of the orphan, and the counselor of the afflicted."  

    By the time I got to Bellmullet, the parish office had closed, but the proprietor of A. J. Reilly's was very helpful pointing out his store was on the former William St. and the Workhouse site at the Community Hospital that also had connections to Rev. Patrick Malone.  

    I also saw more of the beautiful landscape & ocean inlets in Glendad, where 2nd GGF JOHN MALONE might have had a small farm in 1873.  I met Mr. Clement Sweeney and daughter in Glengad who graciously invited me inside for a drink and a very nice chat.  

    Just prior to the trip I had found that JOHN MALONE, now a farmer in Glengad, was left about 800 pounds worth of effects by his brother Rev. PATRICK MALONE when he died in 1873. Just two years later after that infusion of assets most of the Malone family, except for two daughters (SARAH J. CURLEY of Ballinrobe, HONOR MALONE of ?) & a son (PATRICK J. MALONE of Ballina), coincidentally pulled up stakes & followed the setting sun west to the Malone's "next parish over" of Lowell, Massachusetts where I now live.  

    The landscape and the people I discovered visiting Bellmullet area that day made me wish I had not already made reservations to stay in Westport that evening.  But I do hope to again return to this beautiful area of Ireland on my next trip, possibly even next summer.  Should you see them please convey my thanks again to Mr. Sweeney and Mr. Reilly.  



    Monday 14th Oct 2013, 06:52PM
  • Tom,

    I am delighted to read that you had a very successful visit to Mayo. I enjoyed your rich account of your travels to Glencastle as I know it very well. The observation of it being treeless is amusing as we don't notice that about it but I've heard that many times from visitors to the area. The reason for hardly any trees would be the often Storm force winds we get here.

    I will pass on the message to A.J. however I do not know many folks in Glengad. It was a stroke of luck that Fr. Hoban had written that book. The Epitaph on Rev. Patrick Malone's Headstone is very moving. He did his best it seems to improve our lot in his somewhat short life. I will make a point of visiting that Graveyard now. As well as that he provided in death as in life with the money he bequeathed in his will.

    It is interesting how more of his family came here as well from Glenhest. I know where it is and it would be maybe 35-40 miles away. I'm thinking that land to rent must have been either too scarce or expensive where they lived and so they leased land here instead. Either that or they had an occupation on top of being farmers that was needed by a landlord e.g. one of my ancestors was sent for by the landlord as he needed a bookmaker. Its possible too that they may have had a state job like in the Constabulary etc.

    So if you come over again you will have plenty to see all along this coastline and plenty accommodation to suit.


    Beannadh Dia ar an Obair (God bless the work) on your family tree)

    Caitl?n (Kilmore Mayo)



    Wednesday 21st May 2014, 01:05AM
  • Caitlin!
    Glad you enjoyed following my MALONE family's connection to Bellmullet and Glengad that I have uncovered.   

    A Mayo Genealogy Facebook friend shared with me another link connected to REV. PATRICK MALONE.  The Royal Irish Academy has a collection of Irish oral histories including stories and songs of everyday people.   Apparently a lament was composed following the death of Rev. Patrick Malone.  The lament was shared in a recording by an older gentleman from Mayo for this oral history project.  The translated lyrics revealed more about how well educated and respected Rev. Malone was.   The link here contains recording, Irish and English lyrics

    My present theory for JOHN MALONE and family leaving Glenhest for Glengad around 1867 is that the rents were increased or they were evicted by their landlord Col. Charles Knox,  They likely came to Bellmullet and Glengad to be closer to Rev.Malone who probably kept in touch with them. Rev. Malone was also listed in Griffiths as occupying 3 townlands including Green Island.  Will need to work on comparing those townlands to see if rest of family might have subleased them from Rev. Malone after they moved.

    I am planning a return trip to Ireland the beginning of June.  I will be spending majority of time in Mayo, so it is my intention to return to Bellmullet and Glengad to do some more research regarding my theory and family.  Looking forward to the trip. 


    Tom Malone



    Wednesday 21st May 2014, 04:12AM
  • Welcome back Tom! Hope the weather is good for your visit. Let us know if we can be of further assistance to you.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 21st May 2014, 08:52AM

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