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I am looking for the birth place and family of Patrick Horan, born 1837/38 In Ireland. I have found a baptism record on which shows a Roman Catholic baptism for Patritium Horan, on 03 Aug. 1837, son of Michaelis ( Michael ) Horan; Mother is listed as Maria. I do know that Patrick's father was named Michael. The area shown for the baptism is Parish Gallen; Diocese Ardagh & Clonmacnois, County Mayo. Patrick is shown in Ontario, Canada in 1853, but there is an indication that he emigrated very young in 1851. Finding information other than " Ireland " as his place of birth in Canadian records has been unsuccessful. Any help will be appreciated!!! Thank you.....Bonnie MacPherson


Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 07:15PM

Message Board Replies

  • Bonnie:

    I'm wondering if the Horans were from Co. Offaly rather than Co. Mayo. The Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise is mainly in Co. Longford, Leitrim, Offaly, Roscommon and Westmeath. Gallen is a parish in Offaly. I also checked Roots Ireland and there is an 1837 baptism for a Patrick Horan with a father named Michael and a mother named Mary in Co. Offaly.

    I also looked at the 1853 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Gallen parish. There were a number of Horans (21) listed in the parish. If Michael (the father) did not leave Ireland and was still alive in 1853, possibly he is the Michael listed in Crancreagh townland.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 08:57PM
  • Bonnie:

    I checked the 1901 census and there was a Horan family in the townland. Possibly the 60 year old Mary was married to a brother of Patrick Horan.



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 09:04PM
  • Thankyou Roger for all this valuable information!! It's entirely possible that it was indeed Offaly rather than Mayo. I am not sure this is my Patrick Horan but I need to follow it to make sure one way or another as the date and father's name match what I know. I do know his mother's name was Ann Gleeson, but I'm sure it is possible she had another name as well such as Mary. The parent's names were given on his marriage registration, but I have seen other instances where a mother's first name was given incorrectly. I also have a basic date of her death; around Dec 25 1893....There doesn't seem to be any indication that either parent ever came to Canada. Again, any suggestions appreciated.....Thank you.....Bonnie


    Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 11:15PM
  • Hi Bonnie,

    Not sure if this is the same person you are searching for but, some names, dates, and places are similar:  There is a Patrick (Patritium) Lavin in my family tree, born in October 1836, son of Winifred (Winefridae) Horan and John (Joannem) Lavin. Patrick was christened 18 Oct 1836 in Ballinafad, Aghanagh Parish, County Sligo, Ireland. John Lavin and Winifred Horan were married 09 Sep 1834 in Aghanagh Parish, Sligo. Patrick was the eldest of several children. Siblings included Michael, Brigid(Brigidum), Catherine (Catharinam), and Mary. Patricks brother Michael was my great-great grandfather. His son Stephen, my namesake and grandfather, emigrated to the U.S. about 1900. My sources include oral and written family history, as well as : use the "Ireland Births and Baptisms, 1620-1881," database, and search for relevant names. Note that birth/baptism records at time in Ireland were often recorded using Latin names, for example Patrick was recorded as Patritium. I have loads more information on this family tree if you are interested, including a GEDCOM file, but not much prior to the early 1800's , Im afraid.

    I hope this is helpful, good luck in your search.


    Wednesday 13th Jan 2016, 09:02PM
  • Hello, Bonnie. I just wanted to make a comment about your observation that Ann Gleeson may have had another name besides Ann. My Irish grandma and Irish GGGMa, from 2 different lines were called Annie and Ann. Grandma was Honour/Honora/ Honoria. GGGMa was Honoria, Hanora,  Hannah and Ann, depending on  English census year. I've only recently discovered Grandma's birth and baptism records (I was previously looking for Anne or Mary Ann.) Following that find I changed my search criteria and located GGGMa Honoria on a later census as Ann, living next-door to her eldest married daughter, in the next street to where the family had lived a decade earlier. Mis-transcription of surname had further obscured the family. I'd already added Nora to list of GGGMa's possible names but she hadn't turned up under that variation.

    Maggie May

    Tuesday 18th Apr 2017, 06:25PM
  • A belated thank you Stephen...this is very encouraging as well as interesting....I am going to follow up on this....Bonnie



    Saturday 16th Jan 2021, 06:55PM

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