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Looking for history of parents and family members for Michael Conway (1798-1861) and his Spouse Bridget Doherty (1811-1877). They were married in Easky, Sligo County, around 1834 and lived near Ballina. County Mayo.. They emigrated to Canada around 1840 with three young children and lived near the City of Ottawa. Any direction and/or information greatly appreciated.

Ron Conway


Saturday 21st Sep 2013, 07:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Ron,

    I've been hunting around for Michael & Bridget but haven't had much luck.

    I couldn't find a birth record for either or a marriage record on

    The Tithe Applotments which are free to search has 2 Thomas & 2 Henry Dohertys in Easky Sligo 1833 & 1842.

    There are 2 Michael Conways in Easky & 1 Michael Conway in Easky 1833.

    IGI (Family Search) has the marriage record as 30 March 1834 but they have a child Dennis born 1833. They also have Michael's birth year as 1810.

    I wonder if you might want to join the Easky parish on the site & also post again on the site mentioning Easky rather than Mayo.

    There is also a Sligo Genealogy Centre but they make it clear the records start in 1845 & 1864 (RC). However they might also be able to advise you.

    Another option with which we've had some success is to write to those with the surname who are still living in the area of origin. If you google Irish phone book you'll get eircom; search residential Conway Easky and there is a newsagency owned by Conway - you might just be lucky.



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 21st Sep 2013, 10:11PM
  • Michael and Bridget are my GGgrandparents, there son Dennis, is my Ggrandfather.

    We have a complete Geneaology record of their lfe in Canada and all family members up to this day.

    The LDS site produced  incomplete Birth Certificates for Michael, 1798 and Bridget, 1811.

    The Death notice in Canada (1903) for Dennis indicates he came from County Mayo and appears he may have been born before Michael and Bridget were married at Easky, in Sligo County.

    There is no record found yet that gives the exact year they came to Canada, name of vessel, or port of entry.

    We do know exactly where they lived in Canada, as they appear in many consecutive census records

    We did add our name to the Sligo group and will send that earlier message to them.  

    As a matter of personal interest........ do you have a  connection to the Conway/Doherty family group?


    Ron Conway 



    Saturday 21st Sep 2013, 10:59PM
  • You have done a thorough job Ron.

    I'm just a volunteer on the site trying to help as best I can (an old retiree with time to give).

    My roots are in Achill Mayo

    Col Cafferky

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 21st Sep 2013, 11:24PM

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