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My gg parents, John Malley (b. 1840) and Mary Kirby (b. 1844), both of Askillaun, emigrated to America around 1867 with their 2 young sons, Michael and Patrick, settling near Ithaca, NY.   Know that John & Mary were married in the "new" St. Patrick's church in Louisburgh in 1864 and both of their sons were baptized there.  Am seeking info about both families of birth. Believe that both fathers' names were Michael. Mothers were Mary McEvilly Malley and Mary Bridget Hester Kirby.


Tuesday 22nd Dec 2015, 07:15PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    John and Mary were married on 11-Jun-1864. Both were the children of farmers and both fathers' names were Michael. Mothers' names were not recorded. Pat Bourke and Rose Malley were the witnesses to the marriage. Both John and Mary recorded their townland as Askalane. Their son Michael was born on 30-Mar-1865 and another son Patrick on 04-Jan-1867. They were baptised in Kilgeever RC parish. 

    Records for RC Parish of Kilgeever (Louisburgh) begin in 1850 for bapatims and marriages, though there are some gaps in marriages between 1869 and 1872. This means that there will not be any baptism, marriage or burial record for anyone in that parish prior to this. 

    Given how common the Mlley/O'Malley name is in Mayo it is not surprising that there are quite a few Michael Malley entries in the Griffith's Valuation:…

    Let me know what you think

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 26th Jan 2016, 03:24PM
  • Hello, Clare,

    Thank you for the information. I DO have documents that support your findings (Griffith maps, Louisburgh parish registers). I was hoping there might be some other info about either family that I had missed. Hoping to find out about siblings for either John Malley or Mary Kirby of Askillaun. Am thinking that one of their marriage witnesses, Rose Malley, was John's sister. Would there be any records that might list family members in the time period up to 1880 or so? Or emigration records?

    Speaking of emigration, was there a particular route that people from the Louisburgh area might take to land, not in Clinton Massachusetts as so many did, but in the area around Ithaca, New York? My gg-parents settled there around 1870-1875. Some of their siblings (I believe) settled there, too, but I don't have actual documentation. And of course, that is what I seek, some tangible proof that these are the people I think they are. 

    Thanks for your help!

    Rosemary Saul



    Sunday 31st Jan 2016, 01:29AM

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