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I would like to connect with any McQuade and McGovern families still living in or near Cornahoe. Or if you have ancestors with these surnames from this area I'd like to connect with you as well.


Saturday 27th Feb 2016, 02:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Colleen

    ​My apologies for the very late response. Have you managed to learn anymore about these ancestors? ​There are some resources free online though you may have already checked these out?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 11th Apr 2016, 11:22AM
  • Attached Files
    Cornahoe map.jpg (325.97 KB)

    I have found my ancestor Michael McQuade in the 1860 Griffith's Valuation in Cornahoe. When looking at a map, how can I determine if the Cornahoe is Upper Cornahoe, Lower Cornahoe, or just Cornahoe??

    Any advice is helpful, thank you.


    Monday 26th Jun 2017, 05:12PM
  • Colleen, I am not in Ireland but I have ancestors with those surnames also. Mine immigrated to Rhode Island. My great great grandmother was Mary Emma McQuade Cashman. Her parents were Bernard McQuade and Margret McGovern McQuade. They were married in Providence, Rhode Island in 1870. I also know their parents names...

    Is there any connection with your ancestors?



    Sunday 13th May 2018, 02:30AM
  • Reply to unknown person from 13 May 2018.  I don't know if my McQuades & McGoverns from Cornahoe and yours are related, but if you send me the parents' names, I'll keep them in mind when researching and let you know if I find them. Regards, Colleen




    Sunday 13th May 2018, 12:31PM
  • Sorry I'm new to site site... I thought my name would show up at the end of my post.

    continuing from my post above Bernard's parents are Patrick McGovern and Alice McGovern (dont know her maiden name)

    Margaret's parents are Patrick McQuade and Elizabeth Hughes. They also had a daughter Sally G who never married (1865- 1911)

    I dont know what part of Ireland they came from but all settled near Providence Rhode Island. 

    -Maya Andrews


    Sunday 13th May 2018, 03:39PM
  • Maya, I let you know if I come across those names in my research.  -Colleen


    Monday 14th May 2018, 12:55PM

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