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John Michael Coates according to his enlistment papers with the Green Howards Regiment in Richmand, North Yorkshire, UK was born in the Parish of Banacher in the County of Kings’ County, IFS. Date of Birth 11 November 1913.  Occupation: Farm Labourer (in 1933). Roman Catholic. Posted to 1st Battalion, 18 July 1933.

I have been unable to trace any record of his birth. His father George Coates was also in the army and could have been stationed in the area at the time. His mother was Eveline Margaret May Reynolds. Both the parents and  child were born in the UK.

However, I have found a record of a Michael John Coates, Date of Registration:Jan-Feb-Mar 1914. Registration district:Birr. Birth Country:Ireland Volume:3. Page:286. FHL Film Number:101075. No parents names are listed. I also found a 1911 census record and local enlistment papers for a Patrick and Mary (Preston) Coates with two children one of which is a Michael b. 15.2.1914 in Lusmagh. Patrick and Mary lived in Fuhs Cottage, Banagher, KIngs' Co. Evaline Coates might have been staying with them or another Coates family at the time while her husband George was stationed nearby?

The sad thing is John Michael Coates did not return from the 2nd world war. The Green Howards have no record of him missing in action, no pension records or having been transferred to a different regiment. He simply vanished. His wife with two small children had to wait seven years to have him declared dead in 1952 after the end of the war so she could remarry.

If anyone can find a birth record or tell me where to look I would be most grateful.

Many thanks,



Thursday 24th Mar 2016, 03:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • It strikes me you probably need to see the 1914 birth certificate to find out who the parents are. You can order a photocopy of the certificate from GRO Roscommon for €4 (euros).

    You have to download and print off the form. Then either post or fax it back to them. You can’t e-mail it to them. However if you want them to e-mail the cert to back to you, they will do that, so tick the relevant box.

    Put the reference details on the form (anywhere). Don’t worry about leaving some boxes blank. As long as GRO have the location, name(s), year, quarter (where there is one), volume and page number they should find it.


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 24th Mar 2016, 05:26PM
  • It's also available at

    Name:John CoatesDate of Birth:15-Feb-1914
    Date of Baptism:
    CountyCo. Offaly
    Father:Patrick CoatesMother:Mary Breston


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 24th Mar 2016, 09:15PM
  • Thank you Elwyn and Col for your replies.

    When I said that both the parents and child were born in UK I ommitted to say that that child was a daughter, sorry if that confused anyone.

    Can either of you tell me, if John Michael Coates was born in 1913 in Banagher and a Catholic which Parish and Church records would I look for? Just for the record I am a member of 

    Thanks again,



    Friday 25th Mar 2016, 07:19AM
  • If you go to nli R C registers & type Banagher in the parish search field you'll get 3 options.

    The Diocese of Ardagh is the one you want


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 26th Mar 2016, 02:37AM
  • Hi Col,

    Thanks for that. I will try this evening.

    I could kick myself. I lived in Limerick for four and a half years but sadly was not into my ancestry back in 1980!

    Have a wonderful Easter.

    Regards from South Africa.


    Sunday 27th Mar 2016, 07:38AM
  • Hi Col,

    I checked the site but was unble to find any records past 1880's. I was hoping that as the 100 year block on birth/baptism records had passed that I might find, even an index record somewhere. 

    Thanks for the help anyway.



    Monday 28th Mar 2016, 02:24PM
  • The baptism records for the parish for the 1900s will still be held by the parish priest. He has the only copy. So you would need to contact him to check for a possible baptism.

    There’s no birth registered for a John Michael Coates in Banagher in 1913, according to the Irish statutory birth indexes. The nearest is Michael John in 1914, which is in the same area. Sometimes people lied about their age in order to get into the army (eg if they were really below the minimum age for joining up) so I searched for a few years after 1913 but did not find the birth there either.

    Since your ancestor’s father was a soldier too, you could try GRO in Southport to see if there is a birth in the UK overseas and regimental birth records.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 5th Apr 2016, 07:28AM
  • Hi Elwyn,

    Well this guy is really giving me a headache, a real mystery.

    The Michael John Coates born 1914 in Birr is unfortunately not my guy. His parents are Patrick Coates and Mary Preston. 

    Before I posted my first enquiry on this website I contacted his regiment, The Green Howards, in Yorkshire, England. I had his enlistment card with his service number and from this they were able to give me more details such as date and place of birth, physical details and even a scar on his abdomen! He joined them in 1933 so was already in the army when WWll broke out. They are completely baffled that even after their own extensive search they have no record of him dying, missing in action or even deserting, also no pension records can be found. His wife had to wait the mandatory 7 years to have him officially declared dead so she could remarry.

    I will try the GRO in Southport, thank you for that suggestion.



    Wednesday 6th Apr 2016, 08:55AM

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