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Hello, my name is Teenie Wilton (nee Long).  I am an indigenous Australian with Irish ancestry.  My Maternal Great Grandfather was William Geary, known as "Willie".  Through conversations with my Mother (now deceased), I was told that Great Grandfather William was sent to Australia on a convict ship.  I do not know the name of the ship or in what year he was sent here or even where in Ireland he was sent from.  He met and married my Great Grandmother Rose Broom.  

A relative of ours from Ireland visited my Mother and her siblings back in 1985-86.  Unfortunately I did not get to meet him because I was living in a different state at the time.  I cannot remember his first name, as my Mother did tell me, however I do know that he was a Geary. He was researching his genealogy and traced the family line of descent to us.  He left my Mother, Aunt and Uncle some information about our ancestry which states the following…

Ireland Reaching Out -

There is more to this information but this is all I have of it at this point.  I am hoping that one of my Brothers or Sisters or Cousins may have the other information.

This is my family history with mention of my Great Grandfather William (Willie) Geary.

Ireland Reaching Out -

I am searching blindly here as I just didn't know where to start but, as they say, anywhere is as good a place as any, so If there is anyone that recognizes this information or could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it very much and would dearly love to connect with you as we are coming to Ireland next year in November and would so love to connect with someone who knows of our Great Grandfather's ancestry and descendants.  

King Regards

Teenie Wilton-Long

Thursday 12th Sep 2013, 02:56AM

Message Board Replies

  • Teenie:

    Best of luck in your search. has baptism records for parts of Co. Kerry. Its a shot in the dark but you may want to see if you can find a William Geary on that site. You can also try which is a pay site if you want to view a record.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 12th Sep 2013, 03:11PM
  • Thank you for your information Roger.  I will surely give it a try and see what I can find. 

    Take care.

    Teenie Wilton

    Thursday 12th Sep 2013, 06:47PM

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