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Hi again.

Can anyone help with a question re the 1901 census re the Doherty's, house 6 Coolacussane, is the house still there and if so where exactly.

Thanks in advance.


Tuesday 23rd Jul 2013, 11:21AM

Message Board Replies

  • The numbering system used in the censuses was the enumerators own private system and bears no relation to the address. (Indeed rural properties didn?t have house numbers, and often don?t today. The townland alone suffices).

    To be absolutely sure which house the family lived in you would need to look them up in the revaluation records to get the plot number. With that you can then locate the property on Griffiths Valuation. Though the Griffiths maps and plots are on-line, the revaluation records you need are not. They are in the valuation office in Dublin.

    What you can tell from the 1901 census is that the house had 5 to 6 rooms, 4 windows at the front and a roof made of slate, iron or tiles. By 1911 though, William was in a house with just 2 to 4  rooms and only 2 windows at the front. So it looks as though he moved  between 1901 & 1911. (Not uncommon with agricultural labourers. They often moved about). So it sounds as though you are looking for more than one house.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 23rd Jul 2013, 02:48PM
  • Many thanks for your swift reply it get deeper and deeper. I can go back as far as G.G'Dad's wedding 1872. Trying now to find the cemetery in the area to see if I can find anything else.

    Thanks again


    Wednesday 24th Jul 2013, 11:47AM
  • Hello,

    my mother's family (Loughman) are all buried in Kilpatrick and I am there fairly often at the moment as we have a family reunion at the end of August. I will have a look next time. Meanwhile I attach a photo of the graveyard.


    Dolores O'Shea

    IrelandXO Offaly

    Thursday 25th Jul 2013, 08:35AM
  • Hi  Jerry,  Your  ancestor's  were  in  Coolacussane.  in  lot  one. in  Griffiths.   You  will  be  able  to  bring  Griffith's  up  on  line.  click  on  place  name,  search.  type   in  Kilpatrick,  Tipperary  south  riding , Barony  of  Kilnamanagh  lower.  You  will  be  able  to  see  it   exactly  on  the  map  in  Coolacussane .Keep  clicking  on  it  .  The  railway  will  be  just  above  it.

    If  you  are  in  Ireland,  just  walk  down  the  road  from  Coolacussane  railway  bridge,  towards  Coolacussane  cross.  Your  ancestor's  lived  where  the  second  on  the  right  is.

    Best  of  luck  in  your  research,  should  you  like  to  email  me  my  address  is

    Regards.     Vriosa.


    Tuesday 30th Jul 2013, 03:03PM

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