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Hello, looking for information regarding families of Head and Phelan or Phalen, who are our ancestors from Tipperary. Information indicates a marriage in Thurles.  Any information appreciated. Thank you,  Tony Head.

Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 04:12PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Tony,

    Can you give us any more information such as a first name or date range.  It is impossible to perform a search with such vague details.  Look forward to hearing from you.


    Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 04:30PM
  • Sorry, Nicholas Head was born around 1807 - parents are Patrick Head and Catherine Hogan.

    Nicholas married Margaret Phelan, (whose parents are Patrick Phelan and Mary Walsh). I know nothing more about either of their families.

    Nicholas and Margaret emigrated to Australia with their 2 young children in 1841-42

    Thanks Anne,



    Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 06:48PM
  • Sorry, Nicholas Head was born about 1812 and Margaret Phelan about 1811.

    Thank you,


    Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 06:57PM
  • Hi tony,

    The records for north Tipperary are on the site  I have searched for any records pertaining to your family but couldn't find them.  I found a baptismal record for a Nicholas Heade in 1831.

    This is not a very common name so I would suspect that this is a relative of some sorts and you are on the right track.

    Sorry that I can't be of more help to you, perhaps one of our other volunteers might do better.

    Sites to look at are

    Look also at the ships passenger lists on the australian side.  Great records were kept there.

    Kind regards,


    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 09:15AM
  • A Patrick Head arrived in Australia from Thurles in 1854, father Nicholas, and mother, Margaret.  He arrived on the Rodney.

    Father is recorded as being in Sydney, no mention of mother.


    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 09:59AM
  • Yes, I believe it is the son Patrick, thank you. They arrived in Port Phillip in 1841 aboard the Martin Luther.  I am trying to work out how he arrived again in Sydney on the Rodney, perhaps he stayed in Port Phillip (Melbourne) as he grew up, then boarded a ship to Sydney. Their movements when in Australia are still a bit of a mystery too, so I have both ends of the tree to tidy up.

    Thank you,


    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 11:54AM

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