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I am just commencing a search for information in relation to my husbands grandfather Arthur William Bright born 27 November 1883 at Crinkle.  His father was Arthur Bright, Crinkle, Colour Sergeant in 100th Regt.  His Mother was Bridget Bright (nee Waters).  His birth was registered in the District of Parsonstown in the Union of Parsonstown in the County of Kings (information taken from a certified copy of his entry of birth, certificate dated 26/07/1926).  I know that Arthur was the second eldest child, their names being and I believe in order: Harold, Arthur, Edith, Amy, Eva, May & Dorothy.  Arthur left Ireland around 1900 as we have records of him joining the 1st Oxf. & Bucks Lt. Infty.

Any assistance you may give to assist with finding information on our family is greatly appreciated.

Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 09:18AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Sharon,


    The family must have emigrated late 1800's, there is only one Bright living in Kings 1901





    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 11:04AM

    hello Sharon,

    If you go to you will find the marriage record for Arthur Bright and Bridget Waters in Co. Offaly in 1880.   I found the baptismal record for Arthur there also in 1883.  I'm sure if you input all the names you will get the records for all the brothers and sisters.

    I looked at the 1901 census and found an Eveline Bright aged 11years and listed as a niece, staying with a Margaret Waters aged 65 and a Margaret Waters aged 25 in Birr Co Offaly.  I'm assuming that this is where Bridget was from???

    I cant find Harold or Arthur in the 1901 census but I found Edith Bright aged 15 living in Co tipperary with a family and listed as a nurse/servant.  She gives her place of birth as Kings County.

    I found Amy aged 12 listed at a boarding school in Navan Co. Meath.  She gives her birthplace as Kings County also.

    I can't seem to find out what or where are Arthur (snr) and his wife Bridget?? or the youngest children Dorothy and May.

    That's about all I can do for the present,

    kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy





    Saturday 1st Feb 2014, 08:05PM
  • Thank you for your help.  I wasn't able to find any in the census, so must have incorrect search parameters.  From some of the reading I have been doing I understand that if Arthur's father was in the army it is harder to find them in the census as they only listed initials?  I appreciate your help anyway.

    Sunday 2nd Feb 2014, 05:24AM
  • Hi Anne

    Thank you for this information, I will go to the suggested website and try to find more.

    I have a letter from May to my husbands parents in 1973 and from this I get a sense that possibly Bridget has passed away when the youngest Dorothy is about 6 months old. May and Dorothy were fostered to families in England, which is where May was still residing when she wrote the letter in 1973.

    May talks of seeing Arthur during the first world war when he was on leave to England and going to visit his mothers grave site, but not sure if this was in England or Ireland?  At this time Arthur was in the Australian Imperial Forces fighting on the western front.  I am researching our war records as he received both the Australian Military Medal & the French Medaille Militaire during WW1.

    I dont know much about Arthur's parents (Arthur & Bridget) so am searching all I can.  Your assistance with information about other siblings is very interesting, thank you.


    Sharon Bright

    Sunday 2nd Feb 2014, 05:50AM
  • Hello Sharon,

    When searcing the census it is advisable to keep to the bare facts such as first name and surname only. Dont put in any dates or counties.  You will get back results of all the Amy Brights in the state at that time and then you can go through them and discard any that dont fit your criteria.  Because the name Bright is unusual in southern Ireland it is easy to do this and then you have no fear of missing an entry.

    Always keep the parameters broad and then gradually refine your search.


    Sunday 2nd Feb 2014, 04:15PM

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