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I am attempting to find information about my maternal grandfather and grandmother. They lived at the old farm known as the Murphy farm most recently owned by Tom and Ann Murphy (Browne). I only know their names and have no other information. My mother was Maura Murphy Tom's sister and my father is Richard Mason from Cappoquin. Richard and Maura were married at the Afhane parish church on 23 June 1953. Any information you can provide regarding these ancestors would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance, Joni Ward

Monday 2nd Jun 2014, 03:47AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Joni,

    We usually search for people going back to the last century so it is surprising to find someone looking for grandparents in such a recent timeframe.

    As most of the genealogy sites online stop their records at about 1920 (for privacy), I'm afraid you will have to do this search the paper trail way.  

    You will need to apply to the general registrar for a copy of your parents birth certificates.

    Contact and request.  This cert should give you the names of their parents, and an address etc.  I'm guessing that if your parents married in 1953 then they could have been born in the 1930's?? or 1920's??/     

    You will need to try and guess your grandparents year of marriage.  To do this you will need to know if your parents were the eldest children in their families or the younger?  You will need to apply for your grandparents marriage certificates in order to find out what their fathers' names were.   When you have traced back to your grandparents and guessed their dates of birth then hopefully you may find then in the 1911 census.

    There are civil registration indexes online up to 1958 at  but these don't really tell you anything so it's just as well to go the the source from the get go.

    Sorry that we can't help you with the search, you will just have to apply for these certs yourself.  None of us can do that as it's private family business and not given out by the registrar.

    If you have any questions then please feel free to come back to us.

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy




    Monday 2nd Jun 2014, 03:05PM
  • Hello Joni ref your post there is a marriage record as follows:

    Richard Mason & Mary Murphy Registration District Lismore Co Waterford April-May-June 1953

    Vol 4 P 274. to order a photocopy of cert costing 4E this will give you both fathers names. This will show fathers of both parties.

    You could also look at on the 1911 Census it shows MASONS in Cappoquin.

    Regards Frances

    Wednesday 4th Jun 2014, 04:31PM
  • Anne,

    Thank you for responding to my post. I do have some information about my grandfather James Murphy, however, I don't know who his parents were. He was James Murphy from Crinaughtane/Affane and I would love to find our his father, grandfather names etc. I know he was married to Mary Buckley but I also do not have any furthter information regarding her ancestors. I have the information regading their marriage and my partents (Maura and Richard Mason) marriages but cannot prove any lineage beyond that. Any help you can provide from the Afhane parish would be most helpful. As far as I know they both were associated with this parish for many decades. 

    thank you

    Joni Ward


    Tuesday 10th Jun 2014, 09:20PM
  • Frances,

    Thank you so much for the information on Richard and Mary Murphy's wedding  this confirms information in my previous searches. I am looking for information on Mary's  (Maura) father, James Murphy who married Mary Buckley. They were Mary's parents, I have the information from their marraige. I also have information documenting the marriage of James and Mary. I'm looking to find out who was James's father and grandfather and Mary Buckley's parents also if possible. I believe they were associated with the Afhane parish for many decades.

    thanks in advance for your help.

    Tuesday 10th Jun 2014, 09:27PM

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