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My great, great grandfather was named John Butler.  His place of death was listed as Ballinallikin, Portlaw.  One of his daughter's (my great grandmother) listed her home on the ship manifest to the US as Ballyvalican, Portlaw.

My question is this: is Ballyvallikin considered part of Portlaw of Kilmeaden?  In the 1901 census, their address was listed as 2 Thomas Street in Portlaw.  Does that street exist today, or is it gone or renamed?

In case anyone reading this is familiar with the family, their names were John Butler and Ellen (Foley) Butler.  John was a shoemaker who died in 1907.  Ellen and the rest of her family emigrated to America from 1907-1910 (with one daughter possibly returning to Ireland).

Any information clarifying this address/locality or information on the family would be greatly appreciated.

Butler Family in 1901:…

John Butler death record:…

Many thanks for any information given :-)

Friday 13th Dec 2013, 05:12AM

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