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Looking for any information on the Kearney/Duffy and Gaynor families from this area (Ballyloughloe/Mt. Temple) Westmeath.


Wednesday 6th Jul 2016, 01:04AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Do you have any family info and dates we can use to help you out? Alternatively, you can search the message board for anyone researching the same family name. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 6th Jul 2016, 09:53AM
  • Hello , Gaynor girl reaching out! My great grandfather Patrick Gaynor and ancestors I do believe you are speaking of. Would love to hear from you !

    Sunday 20th Jan 2019, 03:19AM
  • What I have is a Michael Kearney born about 1800 Ballyloughloe married a Margaret Duffy

    Kearney died in Ireland and Margaret Duffy subsequently married a Lawrence Gaynor they emigrated to Albany NY with the Kearney children and a John Gaynor their son who died unmarrried I am a descendant of Margaret Kearney who married a Daniel McGue in Albany NY USA







    Monday 21st Jan 2019, 07:23PM

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