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I am searching for more information about my 3rd Great Grandparents, Michael James Jordan and Catherine Mulvey Jordan. Michael was born 1820-1826 and died Oct 21 1894 in Tarrytown New York. Catherine Mulvey was born in July 26, 1826 in Taghmon if the baptism record I found is correct. I have found a marriage record for her and Michael, also in Taghmon dated Oct 25, 1846. I have found baptism records for 3 of thier 7 children. Son James was baptized in Taghmon Nov 11-13th 1847, John J was baptized Feb 9th 1850 and Catherine was baptized Oct 2, 1852, both in Multifarnham

On Catherines Mulvey Jordan's (the mother) baptism record the names James and Brg (Bridget?) Zorry/Zommy/Zonny was listed as her parents and the god parents? or witnesses ( not sure how that works ) were a Michael Baucman and a Mary Zorry/Zommy/Zonny

On thier Oct 25th 1846 marriage record, the names Mary Mulvey and a Catherine Ward are listed as witnesses. 

On the Nov. 11th 1847 baptism record for James to Michael Jordan and Catherine Mulvey are the names James Flanagan and Brig Mulvey

On the Multifarnham Feb 9th 1850 baptism for John J to Michael Jordan and Catherine Mulvey are the names John Fagan and Eliza Fagan.

On the Multifarnham Oct 2nd 1852 baptism for Catherine to Michael Jordan and Catherine Mulvey are the names Michael (?) Gayment (maybe) and a Mary Killers


That is all I have been able to find so far. Michael and Catherine Mulvey had 7 children total. I have not been able to find baptism records for Michael James Jordan Sr (born 1820-1826) Michael James Jordan Jr (born around 1858), Mary Jordan (around 1859), Kate Jordan (born around 1862), and Martha Jordan January 29th 1865. There is a record for the baptism of Martha Jordan on family search. It lists her date of birth and for the location says 0627 Dublin, Dublin Ireland. I have searched every parish listed for Dublin on NLI for that date and I haven't been able to find anything. 

I would very much like to find the baptism records for the remaining children and for Michael James Jordan Sr. Considering they were married in Taghmon, I assume he was also born there but I have no evidence of that. I would also really love to figure out who Michael and Catherine's parents were for sure and possilby try to trace my lineage further. I would also like to know what happened to the daughter Catherine Jordan born in 1852. She is the only one who did not immigrate with the family. I do not know if she died in Ireland or if maybe she married and could have possibly had children of her own. I would very much like to know. I know this is a lot of information and I appologize for my long post. I have been searching for so long and was just told about this page today. I am so desperate to find more information about this family. From what I have learned of them, they were a fascinating group and I long to learn as much as I can. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this. 


Wednesday 1st Jun 2016, 07:48PM

Message Board Replies

  • The 1865 record for Martha Jordan with the '0627 Dublin' references is a partial extracted civil birth record rather than a baptism. The 627 is the register page number. Using that the name and year allows you to search for the full index references need to order a birth cert.

    Names : Martha Jordan
    Registration Year  : 1865
    Registration District : Dublin North
    Volume 2 / Page 627

    Dublin North covered not just the north city but also areas in North Co. Dublin. A research birth cert from the GRO would show the full details.

    for reference the Extracted birth record & Birth Index Record

    See option 1 at this link for details on how to order a research cert.

    p.s. I think that surname for Catherine's mother starts with T rather than Z


    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 1st Jun 2016, 08:22PM
  • Kim:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I looked on Roots Ireland in all Ireland for baptismal records for children of Michael Jordan and Catherine Mulvey and the only records that were generated are the records you already have plus a record in 1875 whihc has to be for another family. Roots does not have Dublin city records but I checked but again got no records. Any possibility that Catherine Mulvey died and Michael remarried?  I also could not locate a baptismal record for Michael Sr.

    You mentioned a baptismal record for Martha in 1865. I also located a civil birth index record for a Martha Jordan in 1865. See below. You can get a copy of this record for around 4 euros from the General Register Office. I can provide insturctions if you need them.

    Roger McDonnell

    First name(s)MarthaLast nameJordanRegistration year1865Registered quarter/year1865Registration districtDublin NorthVolume2Page627Mother's last name (original)-CountyDublin

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 1st Jun 2016, 08:34PM
  • Thank you for the wonderful welcome. I will go to the link and order that baptism record for Martha. I should be able to figure it out. I think. I have no idea how much 4 Euros is but I expect I can google and figure it out. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how I could trace my line any further? I know I need to continue to search the Taghmon parish for entries for Catherine Mulvey's parents James Mulvey and Brig. Tommy? (My husband agrees that it is a T and not a Z.) That will at least get me started. I do wish I could find the baptism record for Michael James Jordan Sr so that I can know his parents names. I have searched the early 1820's in Taghmon but there were large chunks of areas that were either completely faided and illegible or just not visable at all. I am not giving up though. I will just keep going through them. I would also love to learn more about the area and get a better idea of where my family came from. Are there any photo archives anywhere that would show the area from the time period? Are there any resources to find anything like tax records or deeds? I would very much like to know where they lived exactly. When I started my search, the information that I had to start with sent me on a LOT of wild goose chases. The obituary for my Great Great Grandmother said that Michael Jordan was a professor at Trinity College. I contacted them and they have no record of him being an employee. They do seem to have some letters from him. I am still waiting to hear more back on that. The daugher, Kate Jordan would actually grow up to be a rather notable author, playwright, and columnist during the late 1800's early 1900's. I had hoped her fame would make it easier to trace but it actually seems to have had the opposite effect. I found a newspaper article where she talks about being a little girl growing up in the US and not being able to talk about where she came from. She said she grew up in a time when it was ok to be of Irish decent but not Irish. She talked of being in school and the teacher asked her where she was born. She told her she had been born on a ship to escape telling her the truth. When the teacher asked what Country Flag the ship was flying she told her it didn't have one, that it was a pirate ship. I admit, I chuckled when I read it. The more I have read about the family, the more I have become fascinated with them. I wish to learn all that I can. No detail is too small. I just don't really know where to start. I have found several paid sites for Irish genealogy and while I would love to subscribe to them, I am a stay at home mom with no play income of my own. I have access to through a relatives account. I have worked all of my life and I turned to genealogy to play with while the kids were napping and such. I had no idea how addicted I would become. Are there newspaper archives that I could search through? Any links you could share with me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for all of the help. 

    Thursday 2nd Jun 2016, 01:28PM
  • Oh, and no I don't believe Catherine Mulvey died. I mean. I guess it is possible but he would have had to have remarried a woman by the name of Catherine with the relatively same birth year as she is also on the passenger list, 1870, and 1880 US Census. 

    Thursday 2nd Jun 2016, 03:32PM
  • If your Jordans held property then they could appear on Griffith's Primary Valuation, whch would allow you to locate the property. The valuation is dated 1854 for most of Co. Westmeath, and there are abt 17 Jordan entries, including three Michaels' but none in Taghmon civil parish. see : Jordan properties - Co. Westmeath (Griffith's Valuation on AskAboutIreland). About 20 years earl;ier the Tithe Applotment books were compiled, which show 6 entries for the surname Jordan, although some of these could be duplicates (e.g Index entries). The Tithe records did not cover every type of property and there were many exclusions, but shows there were Jordan in the area back as far as the 1820s and 30s.

    You are lucky with regards to registers, in that those for Taghmon go back to the 1780s and much earlier than most (1830 is about average in rural areas), but as you have found the early records can be missing pages, very difficult, or in some cases impossible, to read accurately. It just a case of persevering... some websites, e.g. Ancestry, have transcripts, but they will have they same trouble and the results can be misleading (I dont think their search finds the baptism for Catherine)

    p.s. at the moment 4 Euro here can buy approx 4.40 US dollars (without commision etc)


    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 2nd Jun 2016, 05:01PM

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