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I am looking for information on the family of Anne Carroll, Anne travelled to Sydney Australia as an assisted immigrant in June 1838 at age 23 under the protection of her cousins William and Catherine Ryan on the ship Magistrate, her immigration papers list her parents as John Carroll and Joannah Fortune from Fetherd Parish, Wexford County. Interestingly the papers state that she lived at home with her parents but understood Laundry and needlework.  Anne married James Shanley in Sydney in 1841, they had 3 children before she passed away at age 38 believed to have been caused by complication with a pregnancy or childbirth. I look forward to any information anyone can tell me, thanks.

Tuesday 26th Feb 2013, 11:11PM

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    I think considering  the timeframe of dates that you have  you could try checking the land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38)  or the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64)    

    The Tithe Applotment List might be of use to you, or at least interesting for you. These lists constitute the only nationwide survey for the period, and are valuable because the heaviest burden of the tithes to the Established Church, the Church of Ireland, fell on the poorest, for whom few other records survive. The information in the Tithes is quite basic, typically consisting of townland name, landholder's name, area of land and tithes payable. Many Books also record the landlord's name and an assessment of the economic productivity of the land. The tax payable was based on the average price of wheat and oats over the seven years up to 1823, and was levied at a different rate depending on the quality of land. For Parishes where the registers do not begin until after 1850, this information can be useful, as they are often the only surviving early records. They can provide valuable circumstantial evidence, especially where a holding passed from father to son in the period between the Tithe survey and Griffith's Valuation.

    You could also try finding any church records that might pertain to your family

    ROMAN CATHOLIC: Most Catholic records are held locally - One site which might be of use is - - where you can ‘browse’ an overview of available records per county. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for possible assistance.

     CHURCH OF IRELAND: Church of Ireland parish registers for the period up to 1870-are public records. Registers are available for about one third of the parishes, however many were destroyed in the Public Records Office in Dublin in 1922. Most are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. A list of all surviving registers is available in the National Archives. and  The Anglican Record Project is has created an index to their records:…

    PRESBYTERIAN: Presbyterian registers are held in three main locations: in local custody, in the Public Records of Northern Ireland (PRONI) and at the Presbyterian Historical Society in Belfast. PRONI has microfilm copies of almost all registers in Northern Ireland and also lists of records held by the Presbyterian Historical Society. For the rest of Ireland, almost all records are in local custody. It can difficult to locate these as many congregations in the South have moved, amalgamated, or simply disappeared over the last sixty years.

    Best regards Michael.

    Thursday 18th Apr 2013, 08:36AM

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