I'm looking for my paternal Irish ancestors. Michael Donahue born around 1783 in Wexford married to Mary Murphy born around 1785 in Wexford. They have possible connections to the 1798 Rebellion. I don't have any information on deaths. My ancestor is one of their sons, William Donahue, born around 1807 in Ireland. He immigrated to Frampton, Quebec, Canada and married Bridget Kinsella whose parents were Thomas Kinsella and Bridget Kirwin both of Wexford.
William Miller born in 1772 in Kilcormick, Wexford married to Catherine Duff born in 1783 in Kilcormick, Wexford. Both emigrated to Frampton, Quebec, Canada and died there in 1862 and 1856 respectively. Their son Martin Miller born in 1809 in Kilcormick, Wexford married Joanna Walsh born in 1818 in Ireland. They married in Canada. Joanna's parents were Thomas Walsh born around 1787 in Ireland, died in 1837 in Canada and Mary Keough born in Wexford.
On my father's maternal side: John Murphy born in Feb 1804 in Ireland married to Mary Connors born in 1812 in Ireland. They immigrated to Frampton, Quebec, Canada and had their children there. They died in Canada in 1868 and 1870 respectively. Their son John Henry Murphy born in Canada married Ellen Walsh the daughter of John Walsh born in 1815 in Ireland and Ellen Dwyer born in 1809 in Tipperary. John's parents were Joseph Walsh born in Ireland in 1780 and and Mary Ann Smith born in 1779 in Ireland. Joseph Walsh and Mary Ann Smith Walsh died in Canada in 1864 and 1873 respectively. Ellen's parents were John Dwyer and Joanna Cleary. Joanna was born in 1781 in Tipperary and died in Canada in 1864. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
Joan Donahue Adorno
Tuesday 28th May 2013, 12:55PMMessage Board Replies
Hi Joan,
Thank you for your message. I hope that someone with information on the family makes a connection with you to share information.
In the meantime however, it may be difficult to find more information without more specific places of births, namely a parish name. Most Irish record sources- church records, land records, census records- are based on specific locations. Until you know a specific location within Ireland, preferably a parish or placename, it may be difficult to do anything more with these records. In addition to this sometimes, the reality of finding documentation pertaining to births/baptisms/marriages/deaths in Ireland prior to 1800 ? particularly in rural areas ? is that they simply may not exist.
For example, Catholic records in Kilcormick (which is part of the Roman Catholic parish of Monageer) do not start until 1838:
Church of Ireland records generally tend to have an earlier start date as it was the official church of the country at the time. Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: http://www.nationalarchives.ie/ and http://ireland.anglican.org/about/42
Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.
Have you tried looking for the families in the Tithe Applotment Books? These were land records compiled between 1823 and 1837 in order to determine the amount which occupiers of agricultural holdings should pay in tithes to the Church of Ireland. They do not have any genealogical information but can sometimes be used to tie a person to a specific place. You can search these online here:
Some other websites that you may find useful are:
The National Archives of Ireland http://www.nationalarchives.ie/genealogy1/genealogy-records/introduction/
The National Library of Ireland http://www.nli.ie/en/family-history-introduction.aspx
The National Archives UK ? genealogy search: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/records/looking-for-person/
The Public Records Office of Northern Ireland http://www.proni.gov.uk/index/family_history.htm
Irish Times: http://www.irishtimes.com/ancestor/index.htm
Family Search: www.familysearch.org
The Library & Archives of Canada - http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/index-e.html
Genealogy Links: http://www.genealogylinks.net/uk/ireland/wexford/index.html
Wexford Library: http://www.wexford.ie/wex/Departments/Library/YourServices/LocalStudies/
Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.
Kind regards,
Genealogy Support