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Am researching my great, great grandmother who came from a workhouse around 1849 and was shipped to Sydney, Australia. Her name was Elizabeth Walsh and was born in Kilcorman, Offaly about 1835. Any further details on Elizabeth would be greatly appreciated.

Rosalie Busch


Wednesday 28th Jan 2015, 12:27AM

Message Board Replies

  • Afternoon

    Apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    Have you checked to see if familysearch or rootsireland have a baptism record for Elizabeth? I take it you have already tried the Famine Orphan Database too:

    There may be Board of Guardian Books/Registers available in Laois-Offaly archive but I don't believe there is an archivist employed there at the minute. In most cases, the girls were not referred to by name when the decision was made to send them away. In the case of Galway where I am from at least, they were referred to as as a group, rather than individually.

    The contact details for Offaly County Library might be helpful to you:…

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Thursday 2nd Apr 2015, 03:35PM

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