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Does anyone have any information on the Walsh family who were poultry merchants in John Street, Wexford Town?  Patrick Walsh 1844 - 1918, his wife Mary Rossiter 1842 - 1921?  Patrick's parents were John Walsh and Mary Anne Leary who married in 1841 in Wexford Town and had 7 children;  Anne, John, Thomas, Patrick, William, Mary and Margaret.  John's profession on his son's marriage certificate was given as farmer, but am not assuming anything! 

Mary Rossiter's parents were William Rossiter, porter, who lived in Duke Street, and Bridget - Biddy - Breen, who had a market stall on Custom House Quay, Wexford Town.  William and Biddy were married in 1835 in the parish of Piercestown, so presumably Biddy was from that parish which is not that far from Wexford Town.

Mary was a widow when she married Patrick Walsh, having married John Furlong in the parish of St Iberius in September 1857, only for him to die young in 1860, John's father was Thomas Furlong 1818 - 1886, and his mother's name was Mary ? 1814 - 1874.  Mary Rossiter married PatrickWalsh in the Catholic Chapel in Wexford ( Rowe Street?? ) in 1866.


Friday 25th Nov 2016, 05:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Bridie

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    You have a good deal of information already gathered about the family. I take it you have already checked (you can take out a short subscription) to see if there are any other children etc. I see for example that for the Walsh family there were two sons named John, one baptised on 18th Dec 1838 and another on 4th April 1840. I couldn't locate a burial/death record for the first child.

    You could also check to see if any of the Walsh family left a will. Unless a will was proved in the last 20 years it should be held at the National Archives of Ireland, Bishop Street, Dublin. Find My Past provides access to this information as well as street/business directories that you could check. You could also check the 1901 and 1911 Census to see if you can see any of the remaining family listed there during that time.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 6th Dec 2016, 04:04PM
  • Hello there Clare,

    thank you very much for kindly replying to my post.  The information regarding Patrick Walsh's parents, John Walsh and Mary Anne Leary and the date of his baptism was obtained from many many days trawling through the online parish records from the data in the NAI.  The family history of Patrick ( from his grandchildren ) always had him born in Barntown in 1844, this date does tie in with other information from the 1901 and 1911 census, and his death record.  Only there is NO trace of him at all in the baptismal records in Glynn 1830  -  1850, only in Wexford.  I haven't yet started to seriously look for the family of Mary Anne Leary, but I did note that in Griffiths there was a Patrick Leary, neighbour to a John and Laurence Walsh in Shelmaliere Commons not far from Barntown.  Could Mary Anne have been his daughter I wonder, and returned to her mother's house for the birth of her son, but have him christened 3 days later in Wexford Town where she was living with her husband??  Perhaps these other Walsh were related to John Walsh, who I think was living in Abbey Street, in the parish of St Selskar in Wexford Town.  He is there in the Griffiths with a little bit of land.

    I also found the info on the birth of John in 1840, but John senior and Mary Anne married in 1841, so???  There was also an entry for another child, Anne, in January 1834, so not certain if these John Walsh and Mary Anne Leary are a different couple entirely or not.  Interesting ....

    I'm not sure if they had enough money for a will, but it's a thought and I will check.  Thank you for the suggestion.  We have information on the quite a bit of the rest of the Walsh family in Wexford but I'm hoping to see if it's possible to trace any of the Rossiter, Breen, and Leary family.

    All good wishes,



    Wednesday 7th Dec 2016, 01:39PM
  • Bridie

    Please feel free too to add to our Chronicles Project. You can learn more about it HERE and it might be another avenue to consider so that your ancestor's details can be seen by others. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 8th Dec 2016, 02:29PM
  • Hi Bridie,


    Have you by any chance had a DNA test done? The reason I ask is that I am descended from John Walsh of Shelmaliere commons and I have tested my father and myself so if we matched that could help answer where your Walshs are from.


    Kind regards,



    Thursday 22nd Jun 2017, 11:15AM
  • Apologies to all who replied to my queries but have had had a break for family reasons from trawling through the archives et al., but have discovered more information on the Rossiter side of the family who appear to be from Killiane, Piercestown and the Breens from Barntown, Glynn.  Have them back another generation, William Rossiter's parents were John Rossiter and Margaret Stafford, and Bridget Breen's parents were Michael Breen and Margaret Coghlan  -  possibly / probably !!


    Monday 23rd Jul 2018, 02:23PM

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