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The Griffiths ordnance map shows Forekill townland (166 acres) is northwest adjacent to the present-day Saint Patrick's Catholic Church, Graine, County Kilkenny.

Hello, is it possible to connect with anyone in this area who may have info or be related to my ancestors?  By looking at Griffith's valuation records and ordnance maps, I've narrowed down that my Bergins, Cloughessy, Campion, Ryan ancestors were most likely from the small Forekill townland (about 3 miles southeast of the town of Urlingford) in Clomantagh Civil Parish. 

I find that the few surnames of the farms in that tiny townland correspond to the surnames of my County Kilkenny immigrant ancestors.  Griffith's records include in Forekill townland a Sylvester Bergin (name of my GG granduncle who didn't emigrate), James Cloughessy (name of my 3G grandfather), James Campion (maiden name of 3G grandmother Julia Campion who married James Clohesy) and Michael Ryan (maiden name of my 3G grandmother Margaret Ryan).

The key is the name my GG granduncle or close relation Sylvester, an unusual name, and then when I found him, the other names fell into place.

The story passed down was that my ancestors with the above surnames were simply from the "Parish of Grene, Urlingford Post."  (There was a rumor that the townland was "Toland," but since there is none, I believe that was an incorrect transcription of an ancestor's Bible writing of the word "Ireland.")   I found possible baptism records that correspond to some of my ancestors in the Catholic parish of Urlingford (parish variant names also called Graine and Grane).  Townlands cited in the records include "Fourchill", "Grean" and "Goresgrove."

The sons of Timothy Bergin and Margaret Ryan, my 2G grandfather Michael Bergin and his brother Timothy immigrated to Eldorado, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin.  In Wisconsin, Michael Bergin married Julia Clohesy, daughter of James Clohesy and Julia Campion, after she emigrated with her brother Thomas Clohesy from County Kilkenny, and they also lived in Eldorado.  Later, there was also a young Margaret Bergin, the daughter of Richard Bergin, who emigrated later and married John J. Clohesy, the son of Thomas Clohesy.  There were also two Campion girls, Bridget and Mary, who immigrated and married into the same rural community (became Mrs. McMonagles).

The story is that the Bergin farm in Ireland was down the road to a Catholic church, which corresponds to the present-day Saint Patrick's Catholic Church, Graine, County Kilkenny.

Since Forekill appears not to be a used name now, what is that Forekill townland now called?  Is it also referred to as Graine?

Again, if someone has info or is related to my ancestors, it would be great to hear from you!

Joan in Los Angeles


Joan Stewart Smith

Sunday 1st Jul 2018, 08:06PM

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