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I am looking for my greatgreatgrandfather's brother, Patrick Hayes who married Margaret Conlon ( both from County Clare ) , probably in the early to mid 1840's. They then moved to America.


Friday 25th Jan 2013, 07:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi:


    have you tried checking out the Clare County Library website?  They have a very good genealogy section and that may help you with some clues.  


    Are you sure that they were from Killuran?  If so, there re a number of graveyards online that may help too.  If you check the library website, there err a number of graveyard inscriptions and I believe that Killuran might be one of them.


    Just a note that Killuran townland straddles a couple of parishes--Tulla, Broadford and O'Callaghan's Mills.  Traditionally, Killuran townland was located in Tulla, but is now considered Broadford/O'Callaghan's Mills.  There is a cemetery there.  


    Let me know if you need further help.  



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 26th Jan 2013, 07:30PM
  • I have just received copy of death certificate confirming that the wife of Dennis, my 2greatgrandfather was, in fact, Ellen Gleason.


    Monday 3rd Feb 2014, 05:12PM
  • Hi:


    I have checked the parish register for Tulla.  There wasn't any families with parents Dennis Hayes & Ellen Gleason.  Neither were there any marriages with those two names.  It is possible that they were in O'Callaghan's Mills?  Let me know if you want me to try to look further.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 19th Feb 2014, 08:50PM
  • I have actually been to the County Clare Research Center. They could not help me. I have no idea where my relatives were married. I need to find out more from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.


    Wednesday 19th Feb 2014, 09:18PM
  • I have actually been to the County Clare Research Center. They could not help me. I have no idea where my relatives were married. I need to find out more from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.


    Wednesday 19th Feb 2014, 09:20PM
  • Hi ,I have a Partick Hayes married to Mary Elizabeth Condon ,he was born in 1851 in Sydney ,Australia.His parents were Owen Hayes and Catherine Cahill ,Owen was from Longstone,Limerick .

    Cheryl Hayes

    Thursday 11th Dec 2014, 10:48AM
  • I am also a great great grandaughter of Patrick Hayes and Margaret Conlon Hayes and wonder if MyHayes1 is still active on this board and can share what's been uncovered. I have notes that say Margaret had three children when she married Patrick, and I'm trying to find out if Joseph Hayes is Patrick's biological son. I'm also trying to confirm that Patrick came from Limerick. His DOB is March 16, 1829.

    Thank you for any information you can share.

    Mary Hayes


    Sunday 23rd Feb 2020, 11:57PM
  • Dear Mary, I may have lots of information for you as another relative has passed onto me her research. Feel free to email me at It would be easier than posting back and forth. I am looking forward to it. 


    Monday 24th Feb 2020, 07:56PM
  • Excellent, MyHayes1 - just emailed you!

    Tuesday 25th Feb 2020, 05:44PM

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