Thomas Patrick Doherty was born on 13 April 1853 with father James and mother Margaret (Miltown Malbay RC Parish Baptism/Birth Records) in Carrrowduff Townland. Other children: John Baptised 4 March 1840, Mary born 1 May 1841, Charles born 25 July 1842, Mary born 31 December 1844, Martin born 8 November 1846, Connor born 8 February 1849, Bridget born 14 March 1851. Some of these possibly went to America.
Thomas arrived in Adelaide South Australia on 27 June 1879, married a Brigid Bakey born in Adelaide but a daughter of Patrick Bakey from Ennistimon, Co Clare and Anne Shannon from Co Clare. They had 10 children but he died young on 14 April 1902.
I am seeking information about James and Margaret Doherty and their ancestors if possible.
Bernard Smith
Thomas Doherty is a great grandfather.
Sunday 3rd Feb 2013, 10:06AM
Message Board Replies
Have you tried looking through the on-line resources offered by the Clare County Library at:
If your research turns up anything on a Susan Doherty who married Michael O'Brien and died in about 1855 most probably in Abbey Township, Ennis, County Clare. She was my Great, Great-Grandmother. Shortly after her death, Michael brought the remaining family to America. I found burial information on Susan through the Clare County Library on-line resources.
Good luck,
Bill Arnold
The family you describe is that of my great grandfather, who you refer to as Connor, but known in our family as Cornelius. An aunt of mine went to Ireland a few years ago and paid for research into the Doherty family. I don't think she found much about James and Margaret, so I can't help you there. Did you know that Cornelius came to Victoria in 1870. he settled in Creswick where he was a miner and had 5 children.
By the way, I think you married a schoolfriend of mine. My name is Cecilia. I will send a letter.