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Hello, I am very excited to find this website. I have been searching for my GG-Grandfather, John Lanigan's connection to Ireland for 14 years with no success. Here is his information:

John Lanigan was born abt. 1803, on his gravestone it says "Native of Tipperary", he immigrated to Newfoundland in 1835, possibly with siblings who all went their seperate ways in America. He married Anne Farrell in New Brunswick, Canada in 1836. He had a brother Patrick who was born abt. 1810, they both ended up settling on Prince Edward Island, Canada. One interesting thing I have noticed is they both named their first sons "Martin" as did another possible brother Daniel. So, I think their father's name may have been Martin. Another note is family lore says he came from Kilkenny/Tipperary, so I'm wondering if he was from a parish that is close to the Kilkenny border.


Thanks so much for reading my message.

All the Best,

Barbara Lannigan

Friday 15th Mar 2013, 09:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • Barbara, I am looking at old queries and what records there are give me a lof to Lanigans in both Tipperary and Kilkenny, I cannot link the 3 names you gave to the one family, from 1800 to 1820 there are quiet a number of John and Patrick Lanigan baptised and 3 Daniel but not to the same parents, the total recorded Lanigan baptisms for this period in 89, there are none with a father Martin, one in Kilkenny but not close to Tipperary.

    Remember not all churchs have records at that time too, there are a few Tipperary private genealogy Facebook groups but you need to be lucky to find someone searching your family.

    Sorry I cannot do better, I used Roots Ireland as the search site, subscription.

    Good Luck


    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 13th Mar 2024, 12:39AM

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