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My great-great grandmother, Margaret Walsh was born in 1829, in Tipperary. As I am not from Ireland I have no idea how to find the Parish, and not sure if Tipperary is the county or the town. Is anyone able to assist with information of how I could possible trace my ancestor.

On her death notice it just states place of birth as Tipperary.

She would have emigrated to South Africa sometime after that. She died in 1864 in Kimberley, South Africa. Interestingly, one of her children was baptised in 1864 and the catholic priest was A. Walsh.

In another family document a J P Walsh (also in Kimberley)  is mentioned.

Regards, Rob

Thursday 21st Mar 2013, 03:13AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Rob,

    There are many margaret walshs born in Tipperary in 1829 so you will need a bit more informtion about her to refine your search. is a good site with the church records.

    What was her married name? Did she marry before she emigrated? If you could find her marriage record you would probably find the parents names on this document, you could then narrow down your search.

    Have you looked at the records in the port of arrival?  Most countries kept a record of incoming people.

    That's all the suggestions that I have at the moment.  If you manage to find out her parents names the search will be much easier.



    Saturday 23rd Mar 2013, 05:45PM
  • Hi Anne

    Thanks for the info. The problem I have is I do not know whether she married in Ireland, England or South Africa. She married George Christopher KIMBLE, don't know when.

    S. Africa's shipping records are at best, useless.  Only the 1820 settlers seemed to have been documented, and not completely. I have not found any mention of a Walsh in the 1820 settlers. Margaret Walsh may have gone to England first, then S.A.

    To make research even more difficult I don't know here parents names. A common reoccurring boys name is the family is Joseph, George, Percival. They had a daughter named Honora Ester KImble, but I know she was born in South Africa.

    I noticed from family records that a Catholic priest with the surname Walsh baptised my granfather in 1884, and another family member worked for A P Walsh and yet another relative (my gr-grandfather gave his address after the Anglo-Boer War) as c/o J P Walsh.  Is it only coincidence there are so many Walshs' intertwined with the Kimble family?



    Sunday 24th Mar 2013, 10:56PM
  • Thanks

    As Joseph is a reoccurring name in the family, I may try that record and see where it leads.

    Many thanks


    Sunday 24th Mar 2013, 10:57PM

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