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I'm having trouble finding any Irish details of Denis McKee who married Mary McMahon or Mary Carter in the 1800s (I have conflicting records - shipping record and a Death Certificate for one of her sons giving both possible maiden names). I've used Immigration Deposits and shipping records to identify family members. Fortunately the shipping records have the useful and hopefully unique identifier "Denis & Mary. Father dead. Mother …". I've used this to find the following children:

Name                        Age on Shipping Record     Ship                           Arrived New South Wales          Relevant Comment on Shipping Record

Honora McRee        25                          Matoaka                  17/05/1855                                   Denis & Mary. Father dead. Mother living Parish of Feakle, Co. Clare


Dennis McKee or Timothy McKee      17                                           Glen Isla                    02/07/1857                                   Denis & Mary. Father dead. Mother living at Isle(?) Clare. He came from Annaghneal, Clare, Ireland


William McKee        19                                           Glen Isla                    02/07/1857                                   Denis & Mary. Father dead. Mother living at Isle(?) Clare. He came from Annaghneal, Clare, Ireland


Bridget McKee        17                                           Telegraph                 15/10/1860                               Immigration Deposit paid by Honora McKee. Bridget came from Kilnoe Parish, Co. Clare, Ireland


Mary McKee            46                                           Spitfire                      24/08/1863                                   Denis & Mary. Father dead. Mother on board; Feakle, County Clare also Facal (sic), Tulla, Co. Clare; Two sons & two daughters, Bridget McKee. Morpeth; Immigration deposit paid for Mary & Patrick by Bridget McKee


Patrick McKee         19                                           Spitfire                      24/08/1863                                   Denis & Mary. Father dead. Mother on board; Patrick came from Feakle, Tulla, Clare, Ireland.


Patrick McKee      22           Star of Brunswick 18/12/1865          Immigration Deposit paid by Honora McKee. Patrick came from Feakle.

Using rough calculations based on Patrick’s birth (Denis’ and Mary’s apparently youngest child), Denis was probably still alive around 1843-1855. Patrick was 19 when he emigrated in 1863 (1863-19=1844) and when Patrick died in 1887 he was said to be 42 (1887-42=1845) – so born around 1844, given a 9-month gestation would means Denis would have probably been alive in 1843 and the shipping record of Honora (his eldest child I've been able to identify) says Denis had already died prior to her migrating in May 1855.

I don't know when Denis was born, married and died nor what his death was attributable to.



Wednesday 28th Aug 2013, 06:27AM

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