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Greetings from Sunny Queensland.  It is a glorious spring day here- warm and sunny!

I am researching the family of Patrick Stack-listed in the 1901 Census as a labourer living in house #8 at Kilfeighny South.

His wife is listed a a widow in the 1911 census living in house #9 at Kilfeighny South.

I know that Francis, the son of Patrick, left school and started work as a peat cutter when he was 11, and that he could not read or write.  Perhaps this was because of the death of his father- which would make Patrick's death about 1905.  Francis emigrated to Australia sometime around 1915 with his wife Mary (nee Murphy) and their first child was born on the journey.

James, son of Patrick is listed in the 1911 census as living with his mother's family in the Stacks Mountains area.

I am very interested in any information I can get about the family.

Thanks for your assistance.

Kind regards,




Tuesday 3rd Sep 2013, 10:03PM

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