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Am looking for the family of Ellen Meade who was born in Tipperary in 1840, was professed as a Dominican Sister, Sister M. Veronica, in 1865, and came to Australia in 1868.  She died here in 1884.

Would love to find the Dominican connection... and her family.


Sr Elizabeth Hellwig OP

Archivist of the Dominican Sisters

Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 06:22AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Elizabeth,

    Try this site

    I searched on it for the birth of Ellen Meade 1840 in Tipperary but got no matches.

    Even after expanding the year range to 1840 + - 6 there were still no matches.

    I then tried all counties only 1840 and got 5 - 2 in Cork, 2 in Limerick & 1 Louth.

    Are you sure she was born in Tipperary?

    Col Cafferky

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 10:01AM
  • Thanks Col, yes, that is the date I have.  She left for Australia in 1868, and was in Kingstown definitely from 17th March 1865.  Our old records state Tipperary, and born in 1840.  The records could be wrong of course.  She died at 44 years of age, I suspect of TB, and probably those filling in the forms didn't really know.

    Thanks for your efforts.


    Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 10:25AM
  • Hello Sr. Elizabeth,

    I too had no luck in finding Ellen in Co. tipperary, however I know the name Meade is prevalent in Co. Waterford.  I found four baptismal records for an Ellen Meade in the following parishes...

    1836   Dungarvan

    1838   Kill

    1844   Tallow

    1845   St. John's

    All these parishes are in Co. Waterford which as you may know is next door to Co. Tipperary.  Could it be possible that she was born in Waterford but lived in Tipperary??/

    I wouldn't take her dates as gospel, as most people never celebrated a birthday and had no certificates to prove their age.  If there is one consistant thread running through our searches, it is that dates can be some years out.  

    I hope this may be of some help to you, 

    Anne Dennehy

    Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 12:19PM
  • Sr.Elizabeth,

    I forgot to say that I found these records at   It may be worth your while viewing them, as there is a special offer of 40% reduction on records until October 13th.


    Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 12:22PM
  • Would have a better chance of finding Ellen's detials if parents names were known. I see she travelled on the Glendower from London to Sydney arriving 6 December 1868 with at least three other Dominican nuns Miss Kelly Catherine Ryan and Sarah Byrne - wonder if the arrival information in Sydney would give parent's names or alternatively if the Dominican Archive in Ireland would have more details.



    Clare Tuohy

    Sunday 13th Oct 2013, 09:35AM
  • Thanks Anne for your efforts.  Unfortunately I have no other details.  I hope to come to IReland next year, and will go through the  few records they have.  However, as Ellen was a lay sister I don't expect to find much.  Have looked up the records available here, plus the congregational records - I am actually the archivist!  So little is known about our Irish women.  It is quite possible that Ellen moved around.  She could even have been in the family households of some of the Sisters, or could have worked in the convent at Cabra or Kingstown.  I shall look at the convent records when I come, but I know they are very sparse.  I really appreciate your help.

    Thanks so much


    Sunday 13th Oct 2013, 09:47AM

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