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I'm new to this forum.  I thought I'd sent a message, but I don't think it worked.  So here it is again.

My grandfather, Denis Joseph Minogue, emigrated from Feakle/Scariff/Glenboniff to the US around 1901.   I know he went to Chicago and worked on the Pillsbury estate. But he settled on Long Island, NY.  I have some records (I'll have to unearth them) showing that my g-grandfather was married to an Anne Hogan.  They stayed in Ireland.

In early December, I'll have some time to find those files and I'll get back with more info.

Regards,  Diane

Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 07:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Diane:


    A great place for you to start is at the Clare Library website.  They have a lot of very useful resources online and you will be able to look through baptism, marriages & deaths that are in the Donated Materials tab.  In addition, there are passenger ship lists, graveyard transcriptions, etc.  I believe that Scariff records are under the Donated Materials tab and that is the place to start.  In addition, you can access the 1901 and 1911 Censuses and that should also shed some light.


    Please get back to me if you have any questions/need assistance.  Thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out and be sure to join the Scariff page if you have not already done so!


    All the best,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 08:47PM
  • Diane,

    My g-grandfather was Denis Minogue (I don't have a middle name). He emigrated in 1866 and settled in Minneapolis.

    The name Joseph was carried as a middle name by many of the boys in my line.

    We heard there was a half-sister to my Denis, known as Mrs. Hogan but I do know her first name was Ann and she stayed in Ireland.

    Could you be a missing link for me? PLEASE?



    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 09:32PM
  • Hi Cheryl,

    So many similar names.  Makes it  hard to sort out.  I checked some of my references, and, indeed, my grandfather, Denis Joseph Minogue, first went to Minneapolis, but that wouldn't have been until the trun of the 19/20 century.  My grandfather Denis Joseph was born in Sacriff/Feakle January of 1880 to Denis Minogue and Anne Hogan.  After he relocated from Minnesota to the Massachusetts/New York area, he married Margaret Byrne (who had emigrated from Rathangan, Tullamore, near Dublin).  They had 3 children:  Mary (1919-2001), Joseph Dennis (1922-2005, my father - note they added the extra "n") and John Luke (1924-2008).  My grandfather died in 1966 or 1967.

    I've only done a dip into all the information, but it seems there were a number of female Head-of-Households (widowed) and scads of offspring, somehow related.

    My grandfather was the only one of the boys of that family that emigrated.

    That's about as far as I've gotten.  Can you make any sense of it?

    Regards, Diane

    Tuesday 26th Nov 2013, 04:12AM
  • Hi Diane,

    It is very confusing. A cousin recently returned from Ireland/Scariff and was told that we are ALL related but that the family bred like rabbits then went all over the world! Great. Supposedly my Ann Hogan was a half sister. I have seen on some marriage records a Ann Minogue Hogan as a witness but I have also seen Ann Hogan Minogue. I don't know how things work over in Ireland but if your Anne's husband died, would she somehow refer to herself as Mrs. Hogan?  My g-grandfather Denis was born in 1845 and the only brother I know about was born in 1849. It COULD be possible that your Anne and my Ann are one in the same or maybe my Ann married a Hogan who was related to yours?

    I have found a few other 'unrelated' Minogues also living in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and also a family in Duluth but so far, no connection and no evidence of any of them speaking to the others. There is also a large group of Minogues in Kentucky and of course, many of them in New York and Australia.

    My g-grandfather had 7 girls and only one boy: Daniel Joseph. Daniel Joseph had one girl and one boy: Joseph Leo. Joseph Leo had 2 girls and one boy: Stephen Joseph. Stephen Joseph had 3 girls and one boy: Cole Stephen-Joseph. My g-grandfather's brother, Daniel, had 3 girls and one boy: John E. John had only girls.

    We heard that my g-grandfather's oldest daughter corresponded at one point with this Mrs. Hogan but she didn't like what Mrs. Hogan had to say about the family so she tore up all the letters and that was that.

    Since I have not been able to find evidence of parents for my side, I am pretty lost as to getting more information (right now). I do not currently have the funds to request the Heritage Center do the research and I am not exactly sure what church they attended so have not tried to contact anyone for church records.

    Regards, Cheryl

    Friday 29th Nov 2013, 07:04PM

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