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Hi all,

Has anyone got any insights into property ownership in Kerry / Ireland in the mid to late 19th century?

My great grandfather started a business in Kerry around this time (a pub & shop) and I am curious as to what challenges he would have faced given that land was "owned" by landlords. Would a business person be in the same situation as tenant farmers i.e. the property had to be rented?  I think he may have inherited the premises from his maternal uncle, what succession rights were applicable at the time?

I have looked through Griffths list for the area but cannot find either of my relatives mentioned, so if any other sources for this period exist, I would appreciate any help in finding them.




Friday 29th Nov 2013, 09:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mike,

    Statistically a business premises in the 1880s was likely to be rented. 90% of all property in Ireland at that time was rented. If it was owned, then it usually appears on Griffiths Valuation as ?in fee.?

    Regarding succession rights, if a person left a will, then the business would pass to whoever was named in the will. If not, intestacy law would have applied.  Have you looked for a will or probate file? See:

    If the business premises were leased, then what the person was inheriting was the unexpired portion of the lease. If you would like to post your ancestors full name and the townland or parish you think he lived in, we may be able to locate the business for you.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 30th Nov 2013, 07:52PM
  • Thanks for the information and link Elwyn, much appreciated. I was able to find my g.grandfather's probate details but not the detail of who he inherited from. As the business is still in the extended family I think it better to be discrete in my research, so thanks also for your kind offer to help look for the details.




    Sunday 1st Dec 2013, 09:50AM

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