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Looking for info on the Glynn's of Doolin. 1911 they were living in Killilagh,Co. Clare house 8

Martin Glynn married Alice Gallagher

Martin's mother name was Susan



Susan G.

Margaret M.




I hope someone can help.

see descendant report


Monday 2nd Dec 2013, 05:08PM

Message Board Replies

  • If you can help find Martin's father and mother susan's last name. that would be great. Any new info on this family would be great.



     Martin Glynn  married Alice Gallagher

    Children :

    Susan G. Gylnn: b. Nov 24, 1888, Doolin C. Clare d. Feb. 17, 1935,Worcester Mass. USA

    Margaret Glynn,b 1881 Doolin, d. July 29, 1941 Worcester, Mass. USA

    Michael Glynn, b Doolin C. Clare

    Patrick Glynn,b "   "  ,d Oct. 3, 1959,Tiergoonen, Doolin,Co. Clare Ireland

    Timothy Gylnn, b "    "

    John Glynn,b "    "

    In the Census of 1901 from Doolin,County Clare,townland of Toomullin,parish of Killilagh, There is a Martin &Alice , with a Susan as Mother age 70. Children Susan,Patrick,John,Timothy,are listed. This has to be them.Martin is listed has a herdsman age 40.Margaret is living in the household of a Annie Nagle, as a cook-domestic,sevant. There is also a John age 36 farm servant, this could be Martin's brother.

    1901 Residents of a house 4 in Toomullen (Killilagh, Clare)
        Census Years

    Residents of a house 4 in Toomullen (Killilagh, Clare)
    Show all information
    Surname    Forename    Age    Sex    Relation to head    Religion
    Flynn    Martin    40    Male    Head of Family    Roman Catholic
    Flynn    Allice    40    Female    Wife    Roman Catholic
    Flynn    Susan    70    Female    Mother    Roman Catholic
    Flynn    John    17    Male    Son    Roman Catholic
    Flynn    Susan    14    Female    Daughter    Roman Catholic
    Flynn    Timothy    12    Male    Son    Roman Catholic
    Flynn    Patrick    10    Male    Son    Roman Catholic
    Hynes    Patrick    80    Male    Boarder    Roman Catholic

    When you see the record it is a G not a F, this is them.

    1911Residents of a house 8 in Doolin (Killilagh,Co. Clare)

    Residents of a house 8 in Doolin (Killilagh, Clare)
    Show all information
    Surname    Forename    Age    Sex    Relation to head    Religion
    Glynn    Martin    60    Male    Head of Family    R Catholic
    Glynn    Annie    60    Female    Wife    R Catholic
    Glynn    Thady    23    Male    Son    R Catholic

    Thursday 5th Dec 2013, 01:15PM
  • Hello, Susan G Glynn was my maternal grandmother and named after her.

    Saturday 24th Mar 2018, 07:30PM
  • hi,

    my maternal grandmother was also Susan Glynn. She died in 1935 at Worcester,MA.

    I'm named after her husband James who was born in Edward Island, Canada.


    Friday 10th Jan 2020, 05:09AM
  • Hi my great grandfather is Michael Glynn that married Mary Ellen Guinnane is there any way we could talk?

    Annalise Glynn

    Tuesday 17th May 2022, 02:29PM

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