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Hi I am looking for any information about the above couple who resided in the Parish of Quin- Clooney, County Clare. They had the following children
Mary baptised December 10th 1833, Bridget 31st December 1835, James 14th February 1840, Michael 19th of July 1842 (possibly my Great Great Grandfather)
Margaret 19th January 1846, Catherine 1st September 1851 & John 28th April 1854. (Margaret O'Dea later married a Roady Scanlan and according to the 1901 Census had the following children Patrick 29, John 26, Thomas 15, Roady 13, Nora 20, Annie 19 They lived in Creevaghmoore Quin.)

My Great Great Grandfather Michael was born in County Clare in the early 1840's according to his Marriage Certificate, when he married Ann Doolan (also from County Clare) They were married in Marion South Australia in January 1864. Both had fathers named Patrick. The witnesses to their marriage were Michael Mc Namarra labourer & Margaret Mc Namarra Spinster. 

The Clare Heritage Centre did a search for Michael O'Dea's born to a father Patrick between 1840 - 1845 and only came up with the one Michael above, so I am trying to find out if the above family is the correct family that my Great Great Grandfather belonged to. Unfortunately I don't have his mothers maiden name and I have been unable to find his death certificate anywhere in Australia at present.

Any information would be greatly appreciated

Colleen Smith (Nee O'Day}
Vic Australia


Thursday 16th Jan 2014, 10:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Colleen:


    Many thanks for your Ireland Reaching Out query.  I will take a look through the Quin parish register and let you know what I come up with.


    You might be interested to know that there are several other members of Ireland Reaching Out who are researching Doolans from County Clare.  If you want to make contact with them, you can email me at


    All the best, and I will be in touch with you again in the next week or so.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 18th Jan 2014, 06:24PM
  • Hi Jane

    Thank you so much for taking the time to look through the Parish records for me. Yes I would be very interested in finding our more about the Doolan side as well.  My Annie Doolan’s mothers name was Mary Hines and her fathers name was Patrick Doolan. As far as I have been able to find out they came out to Australia on the Sea Park in 1855 with their children Mary Dunn born 1842, Bridget born 1844  Annie born 1846 and John born 1848,  Please pass my email address on to anyone that may be interested in this side of the family. Thanks once again for your help

    Kind regards

    Colleen Smith


    Victoria, Australia


    Sunday 19th Jan 2014, 10:49AM
  • Hi Colleen:


    Will you send me your email details at  I have some information that you may find helpful.


    All the best,


    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 10:02PM
  • Hi Jane

    I sent my email last weekend to the above address, just wanted to check if you did receive it, as I emailed about the Doolan family prior to that and it eventually bounced back to me.  Hope the weather isn't too cold over there at the minute, we are in the middle of another heatwave here most days in the mid 30's and looking forward to a cool change.

    Cheers for now



    Tuesday 28th Jan 2014, 08:44PM
  • Hi Colleen;


    yes, I got your message. Unfortunately I have had some internet problems. They should be resolved by tomorrow. I do have info for you which I will send on .



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 29th Jan 2014, 05:51PM
  • Catherine O'Dea, born 1851 in Quin, the daughter of Patrick O'Dea and Bridgit McNamarra, was my great grandmother.  I would love to exchange information.  I can be reached at:  Cornelius (Neil) Leary, 122 Saddle Drive, Furlong, PA, 18925 USA.  Email:

    Wednesday 2nd Sep 2015, 09:50PM

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