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Hi could anyone out there help me with my fanning family please, i've got a great  great uncle called Anthony Fanning and he was born in Workington cumberland in 1881 and he was Killed in action on the  3rd March 1915 and on his casualty details it say he left a wife called BRIDGET  FANNING and she was living at 2 Brodeen Cottages, Carhil Road Tipperary if anyone knows anything about this lady or any Fanning's i would  be most grateful to hear from you.  Anthony's grandfather was called Edward born in november 1820 at Droghdea he was a master mariner and married a lady from Workington Cumberland where some of us still live. Thank you Pauline

Wednesday 22nd Jan 2014, 08:04PM

Message Board Replies

  • My grandmother was friendly all her life with a lady whose married name was Fanning.  She was from Co Laois but ended up in Liverpool where I believe some of her family still live.

    If you think this may be any connection I can look up the details when I have a minute.


    Thursday 23rd Jan 2014, 05:10PM
  • hello Maria.smyth thank you for replying, i don't know if this Lady as any connection as i don't know any details about the family in Ireland except what i 've put on my thread but if you could have a look at this connection when you have a minute  i would be really grateful. thank you Pauline

    Thursday 23rd Jan 2014, 10:16PM
  • Pauline

                   I reckon Brodeen Cottages is on Cashel Rd, Tipperary see Google Maps.

                   Anthony Fanning married a Bridget O'Brien in 1902 in Tipperary. See Its a pay site.


    Mitchelstown1 Cork

    Friday 24th Jan 2014, 10:47AM
  • Hi Seamus, thanks for the info i went on google maps and saw where the cottages are and i think you are right about the name of the street i could only go by what was on the casualty sheet,  i've also been on rootsireland and got the cert from there and i think it is the right one. Anthony was a serving soldier and his father was called John Fanning the only difference they say his father was a tailor but he was a sailor ( think there as been a translation error here ) and he married Bridget O'Brian from Spittal Tipperary and her father was called Thomas O'Brian a hore trainer. I am now wondering what happened to her or if they had any children. you get 1 question answered and it leaves a few more but that is the fun of Family History. Well thank you once again for your help


    Friday 24th Jan 2014, 10:55PM
  • hello Pauline. I might have ancestry info. for you. Email me at

    Tuesday 11th Nov 2014, 02:54PM
  • might you be related to Lotte Fanning .If yes .I might have ancestry info. for you .Regards Seamus

    Tuesday 11th Nov 2014, 03:00PM

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