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Looking for any information on Terence McMahon and Margaret O'Donnell. I do not have too much information on them, but in either 1828 or 1829 they had a daughter, Bridget in Cororin, County Clare and they were Roman Catholic. Bridgets occupation was a domestic servant and she left Ireland on August 22nd 1853 on the "Australia" to go to Australia. Myself and 5 other members or our family will be in Ireland from May 22nd through to the 31st May and we were hoping to at least visit Corofin, if this was the McMahon family home. Would love to know if any of this family are buried in a nearby cemetery or if there are any living relatives in this area.

Sunday 27th Apr 2014, 10:27AM

Message Board Replies

  • Sandy:

    The 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Killinaboy civil parish lists a number of McMahon entries but no Terence. However, there is a Margaret McMahon in Rinnamona townland. If Terence had died before 1855 then his widow would have taken over the land.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 27th Apr 2014, 02:19PM
  • There is a Bridget McMahon listed as a passenger on th ship Australia which departed Liverpool on the 22-8-1853.

    Her age is given as 24yrs.Religion R.C  Education --   Read only

    The ships record indicates she is to be engaged by a Lady but name on the record not clear.

    Terms of engagement were 30 Pounds P.A with 2 months trial period.

    The ship arrived Melbourne 18-11-1853

    Tuesday 29th Apr 2014, 12:16AM

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