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Last known ancestors were Alexander Carmichael, born about 1818, Cleenish and Jane Ann Robinson born about 1819, Oakfield.  They were married on 29 MAR 1843 in Cleenish Parish Church.  They had 7 children (full information known), my ancestor being John Carmichael born 4 JAN 1844 Enniskillen.  Family moved to Liverpool, England.  Stuck on how to find any information on Alexander's birth or parents

Alexanders occupation from English census records and childrens baptism and marriages was a Slater.  Also have his military record which states "ALEXANDER CARMICHAEL Born CLEENISH, Fermanagh Served in 27th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 23".  Unfortunately no records indicate parents names

Already tried sites such as Fermanagh Gold and the main paid and unpaid geneaology sites, would happily travel to Ireland if I knew there was a possibility of finding something!  Previous contact with Cleenish Parish Church confirmed their held records do not go back far enough

Sunday 4th May 2014, 04:30PM

Message Board Replies

  • You may have reached the point at which much Irish research stops. It is generally very difficult to get back earlier than 1800 or thereabouts, unless you were a big landowner or otherwise came to notice. I can?t see anything on either family in PRONI?s estate records.

    You don?t mention whether you have searched the tithe applotment records for Oakfield in the 1820s/1830s. If Jane?s father was a farmer, or had a bit of land, he should be listed.

    With Alexander, does born in Cleenish mean the parish or the townland? If just the parish it is obviously harder but again you could try the tithes for that parish.

    The tithes for Fermanagh are not on-line, and if Fermanagh Gold don?t have them, you may need to get someone to look them up in PRONI.

    Griffiths for 1862 has just 2 Carmichael households in Cleenish. James in Drumrainey and William in Ross.

    Checking for gravestones might be about the only other option, but a large percentage of the population couldn?t afford gravestones, so it?s far from a certainty.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 4th May 2014, 05:05PM
  • Thanks for the quick response, Alexander's marriage states he is from the townland of Tonyloman

    Sunday 4th May 2014, 05:46PM
  • There?s no sign of a Carmichael household in Griffiths in 1862. That doesn?t means they weren?t necessarily there (though it could mean that) because not all households were recorded, and people working as servants etc weren?t recorded either.


    PRONI has some papers in their Encumbered Estates collection which might just list all the tenants in Tonyloman c 1857:


    14 January 1858 Irish Encumbered Estates Court Rentals. Rental and particulars of the estate of the said parties. Maps of the estate,

    surveyed by John Irwine, Whitty.

    Parties: Estate of Alexander Nixon, owner, William Auchinleck Dane, Esq., petitioner. Relates to Cleenish Island,

    Killywillim, Tonyloman, Gordonaghy [sic], Mullyardlougher, Bonahesky [sic], Ringvilla, Kilroot, Lislarris, Lisnashillida,

    Drumclay, Aughgea [sic], and tenements in Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh.


    The above records might also be on findmypast (pay to view).

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 4th May 2014, 07:30PM

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