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Good morning,

I whould like to determine if there are any records available for the Carroll fmily in Bullaun parish.

My great great grandfather lived at # 44 in Nogginstown in Kilreikle Parish as per the Tithe Applotment Book records for 1826.  He was married to Ellen Dungan sometimes referred to as Helen Duncan. He had a son, Michael who was born on August 23, 1829 and babtised on August 25, 1829. The birth certificate showns that the parents were Thomas Carroll and Helen Duncan and the sponsor is shown as Margaret Jennings. The parish/ District  is shown as Bulllaun, Co. Galway and the denomination as Roman Catholic.

James Carroll born 1843 left Ireland from Londonderry on June 9, 1865 aboard the ship Hibernian. He was travelling with his brother Owen (1832) and Catherine (1835) as per the passenger list. Their year of birth was determined from their age which was listed.  The ship arrived in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada on June 19, 1865.

James Carroll married Winnifred Glennon in Montreal, Quebec on July 24, 1866. On the marriage certificate it indicates that James Carroll's parents were Thomas Carroll & Ellen Dungan from Co.Galway. Thomas Carroll was listed as deceased at the time of James' marriage while his mother was still alive. We now know that Michael was his brother as they have the same parents and obviously Owen & Catherine are also siblings as they were shown as family with James during their passage to Quebec.  Winnifred Glennon was from Co. Roscommon, Ireland and her parents were John Glennon and Bridget Norton and both were listed as deceased at the time of their daughter's marriage.

James Carroll died in Montreal on July 28, 1883 however we were never able to determine the day or month of his birth as marraige and death certificates only mention his age.

Where exactly is Nogginstown in Co. Galway if you wanted to visit that location although Nogginstown doesn't exist anymore.

Thank you

Bryan Carroll

Friday 30th May 2014, 01:55AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Bryan,

    I'm not from Kilrickle, or Bullaun, but as rural county areas go, I'm local. I would be a direct neighbour of Bullaun, living in the parish of Kiltullagh Killimordaly. After searching for awhile, hopefully a bit more information that might help you...

    First, you may/may not be aware, some of the 1821 census for Galway, and Ireland survived, and looks like Kilrickle was one of the lucky ones. In 1821 in the parish of 'Kilreekil', (you will notice this spelt a number of ways)
    There is a 'Nagginstown', Houses in Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown (Kilreekil, Galway)…
    include Duggan Jane 16 a House Servant, and Jennings Mathias 16 a Servant/Labourer.

    Carroll does not show up in this specific townland, but, is in Carnanemore
    Residents of a house 7 in Carnanemore (Kilreekil, Galway)…
    Carroll    Thomas    20    -    Labourer
    Carroll    Mary    25    Sister    -
    Carroll    Laurence24    Brother    Labourer

    the list i came across for 1821
    Carroll    Thomas    Carnanemore    7    Kilreekil    Galway    20
    Carroll    Mary    Carnanemore    7    Kilreekil    Galway    25
    Carroll    LaurenceCarnanemore    7    Kilreekil    Galway    24
    Carroll    Patrick    Cloonmeen, Cloonmane    32 Kilreekil    Galway    20
    Carroll    LaurenceCaherakilleen Otherwise Doone    3    Kilreekil    Galway    22

    Under the 'Information From O'Donovan's Field Name Books' there is a Nogginstown in the parish of 'Kilreekill', 'In the townland of Newgrove.' Newgrove was a large townland the property of Lord Wallscourt.

    A Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland: Compiled ..., Volume 3 By John Gorton has an entry for Nogginstown
    P.T. Loughrea (109) N E. Pop. 163.
    A village in the parish of Killrickill and barony of Athenry.

    Another document 'Under the population act of ireland 1821 mentions the following (
    'In this part of Kilrickill Parish are the Villages of Killrickill and Nogginstown; the former containing 33 houses and 156 inhabitants; and the latter, 30 houses and 163 inhabitants.'

    You can view the exact location of Nogginstown on the 1840s OS map,570093,721755,6,7 and i've attached a google maps image of cloonmain as the general area would be today, just outside the village of Kilrickle, as you head from Loughrea -> Kilrickle to Ballinasloe.

    Hope this is of some help to you, best of luck with your search

    Michelle Mitchell IRO volunteer for the parish of Kiltullagh Killimordaly


    p.s. Bullaun Church

    Tuesday 3rd Jun 2014, 12:02AM

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