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Looking for info on Patrick Finn bornTipperary 1809 married Margaret Lyons and emmigrated to Australia 1853 on the Florentine, can anyone help me please.....thank you Frances Finn

Saturday 14th Jun 2014, 07:05AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Frances

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I had a quick look on and there is one baptism for a Patrick Finn between 1808 and 1815 in Tipperary. It does not match the year of birth you provide as it is in 1815 but I wouldn?t rule it out on that basis alone. However as we do not know what Patrick?s parents? names were we are in the dark as to whether this record is the correct one. As this is a subscription site I am limited in what I can see.

    I couldn't see any record for a marriage between Margaret and Patrick. Do you know anything else about Patrick that might help; names of siblings for example? 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  

    Wednesday 18th Jun 2014, 10:03AM

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