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I am researching the family history of my grandmother Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bolton who emigrated alone from Ireland via Plymouth (20 Dec 1882) on the Dorunda and arrived in Townsville Queensland Australia 6 Feb 1883.  Lizzie gave very little information about her family in Ireland.  She died in Brisbane 1948. She claimed to have been born in Ennis, her father being Alexander Bolton, a Militia Officer and mother Ann McNamara.  Lizzie gave conflicting ages here in Queensland but it is believed her birth year may be circa 1866. I have been unable to locate any further information to confirm her date of birth or anything else about her in Ireland from her birth until emigrating in 1882, nor anything in regard to her mother Ann McNamara.


I have done various searches and established Alexander Bolton was appointed an Ensign in the Clare Militia 1855 and promoted to Lieutenant before being dismissed in 1862 having gone AWOL.  When Lieutenant Bolton was in a Muster at Ennis he is shown as having travelled 38 miles to Ennis from Miltown Malbay. Nothing further is known about Alexander.  Alexander's father was Henry Bolton of Ennis who owned substantial property there as well as the Miltown Malbay area.  His (Henry's) father was Marcus Bolton MD (medical doctor) who died Ennis 1830.  We believe Marcus Bolton was related to Charles Paulett Bolton, Excise Officer, Mount Malbay County Clare who died 1815.  They all had substantial property holdings in Co. Clare.  There was a Charles Paulet Bolton (described in forced property sale documents in Ennis 1866 as a "lunatic" aged 65 yrs) This Charles Paulet Bolton was a brother of Henry Bolton and Lizzie's uncle.  This Charles Paulet Bolton is also shown as having died at Clareview,  Salt Hill Galway 1 April 1876 (Wills and Administrations) and his brother Henry Bolton was also shown at that same address at that time.


The only other thing Lizzie said was that she had a sister (she did not give her name) who emigrated to the west of Canada, married and did well for herself.

We have been unable to locate any birth, christening or other Irish record for Lizzie, nor any further information regarding her father Lieutenant Alexander Bolton, or her mother Ann McNamara.  Any further information you may have would be greatly appreciated.




We believe Lizzie is also related to the Rev. Peter Bolton of Clare Abbey who died 1851 and we understand his son, a Charles Paulet Bolton (died 1889) is buried in Drumcliff Cemetery.  This Charles Paulet Bolton had a sister Lucy Mary Bolton who died Dec 1923, and at the time of her death was living at 4 Munster Tce, Limerick



Monday 29th Dec 2014, 02:54AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    I have passed your query to a Clare volunteer who is looking into it for you

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 20th Jan 2015, 04:13PM
  • Hi:


    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  I have read the information that you have given and have done a quick search, and see two notices that list an Alexander Bolton from 1855 and in 1856.  I cannot find any reference to the baptism/birth of an Elizabeth Bolton in the Ennis parish records online.  If you leave this with me for a few days, I will try to get another look and get back to you.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 21st Jan 2015, 04:12PM
  • jhall44   I too am looking for the same boltons Have you had any responce yet


    Wednesday 9th Dec 2015, 08:03AM
  • Hi

    Can only find one Elizabeth Bolton born around this time. Elizabeth  born 26 Dec 1868 address is given as Barrack Youghal Co Cork parents names not listed. Sponsers are Patrick Harty and Ellen Gilmartion......Regards Bill





    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 10th Dec 2015, 03:04PM
  • Hi

    Unfortunately I have been unable to unearth much more useful information regarding my grandmother Elizabeth (Lizzie BOLTON).  I know that there was another BOLTON family that were centred around the Waterford/Wexford area but have been unable to connect them to my BOLTON family. I am not sure the Elizabeth BOLTON born 26 Dec 1868 Barrack Youghal Co Cork is my Lizzie BOLTON as she most likely would have been too young, but I can't rule anything out.

    I would be interested in any further details of the BOLTON family referred to by dfour in their post of 9 Dec 2015.

    John HALL





    Friday 18th Dec 2015, 10:25AM
  • I am also looking for Bolton's Henry and Ann nee Armstrong I believe. My great grandfather Charles Paulet Bolton was most likely Alexander's brother, as it was a very large family including Sir Henry, Amante, Fannie /Frances, Peter, George, Edward Booth, Robert Booth I would really like to find the right Henry as there seems to be a few of them!

    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Saturday 11th Jun 2016, 11:16AM
  • ​Hi Maree.  I know of three" Charles Paulet BOLTON" from Ireland who are connected to our family.  (No.1)  Charles Paul Bolton who married Rachel Unthank circa 1872 in Limerick.  He was an excise officer in County Clare and also was recorded as a Magistrate in Ennis.  He died in Co. Clare 1815 and at the time was also recorded at Mount Malbay.  His son, as far as I can determine was Marcus BOLTON MD Ennis and he also resided in the Miltown Malbay area Co. Clare.  Marcus BOLTON died in Ennis in 1830.  His wife was Diana FAIRCLOTH and she married Marcus circa 1800.  Marcus and Diana's children included (No. 2) Charles Paulet BOLTON born circa 1801 and who inherited considerable property in Co. Clare upon the death of Marcus.  This Charles Paulet BOLTON   was single and resided in Ennis.  His affairs were handled by a Committee and he died at Clareview, Salt Hill, Galway on 5 Apr 1876 (this was also the address then recorded for his brother Henry Bolton).  Other children of Marcus and Diana BOLTON included Henry as previously mentioned born circa 1805 Ennis; Mary Ann BOLTON who married William Moore GEOGHEGAN in Dublin 1838; Henrietta BOLTON who married the Rev. John Echlin ARMSTRONG DD in Dublin 1839; and Rev. Peter BOLTON, rector of Clarecastle  Co. Clare who died circa 1850. This Rev. Peter BOLTON had a son (No.3) Charles Paulet BOLTON born circa 1846 who was single and died in  Ennis in 1889 and is buried in the Drumcliff Cemetery.  He also had a daughter Lucy Mary BOLTON who was single and who died in Limerick circa 1924.  Getting back to Henry BOLTON (brother of Charles Paulet BOLTON No 2), this Henry, as far as I can determine married Anne BOLTON in 1834 (daughter of Alexander BOLTON proprietor Sligo Journal died 1831 and his wife who was also named Anne).  Henry BOLTON was then recorded (1834) as residing at Ballyweelin Ross Point Sligo.  The Rev. Peter BOLTON conducted the marriage ceremony .  Henry is believed to have had four sons and in the 1850's they were in the Miltown Malbay area Co Clare including Spanish Point.  I have established that one of his sons was Lieutenant Alexander BOLTON of the Clare Militia but disappeared in 1863. He (Alexander) was the father of my grandmother Lizzie BOLTON born circa 1866 Ennis who emigrated to Queensland in 1883.  Another son (of Henry) was Henry Francis Somerset BOLTON who attained the rank of Major and later was installed as a Military Knight, Windsor Castle and died there 1921.  I hope this information is of some assistance.  Are you able to supply any further information in regard to your g.grandfather Charles Paulet BOLTON.                               John HALL                                    





    Sunday 12th Jun 2016, 07:09AM
  • Hi Maree.  Sorry I made a mistake.  The Charles Paulet BOLTON (No 1) should be shown as marrying  Rachel UNTHANK in Limerick 1772 (not 1872)


    Sunday 12th Jun 2016, 07:16AM
  • John thank you for all of that, I will re read your information and reply with as much as I know in next few days

    Thanks Maree

    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Monday 13th Jun 2016, 12:44AM
  • jhall44   you posted   -----I have established that one of his sons was Lieutenant Alexander BOLTON of the Clare Militia but disappeared in 1863. He (Alexander) was the father of my grandmother Lizzie BOLTON born circa 1866 Ennis who emigrated to Queensland in 1883.  Another son (of Henry) was Henry Francis Somerset BOLTON who attained the rank of Major and later was installed as a Military Knight, Windsor Castle and died there 1921.  Maree this is the person in the photo that we both have. Its the one with the writing on the back amry officer.    ----- John are you in Australia??


    Monday 13th Jun 2016, 01:43AM
  • Sorry ment to say this may be the person in the photo we both have 


    Monday 13th Jun 2016, 02:03AM
  • I also have a photo of Sir Henry Bolton who served at Windsor castle, being my great grandfather's brother and a photo of Amante Bolton, being my great grandfather's youngest sister. Am gathering all info and posting as soon as I can!

    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Monday 13th Jun 2016, 05:49AM
  • My great grandfather Charles Paulet Bolton born Sligo 1839 died Ballina, Nsw 2/8/1918 while visiting his daughter but lived Maclean. He was studying to be a doctor before coming to Australia but was in the employ of the Hardwood Sugarmill as an industrial Chemist/distiller. The photos of Sir Henry and Amante say they are his brother and sister.
    Amante was 19 and Fanny was 18 when they came to Australia in Jan 1982 on the Scottish Wizard.
    Amante married successfull New Zealand exporter Lucas Sherley Maxwell and moved to Nz. In her obituary it stated, youngest daughter of Henry Bolton Esq. County Clare, granddaughter of Rev Dr Bolton and niece of Rev Peter Bolton and the Rev Dr Armstrong Staffordshire England.
    Frances/Fanny Mother and father Ann and Henry as per BDM died 20/6/31 lived 58 Yurong St East Sydney.
    Edward Booth Bolton mother and father Ann and Henry as per BDM -memorial in paper from fond sister Fanny. Edward married Flora Ann Shaw in Maclean making me think he and my g grandfather came to Australia together. Edward was a police detective.
    George Bolton was born county Galway 1849 mother and father Henry and Ann as per his obituary he was from a family of seven daughters and 12 sons, one brother was sir Henry equarry to Queen Victoria one surviving brother Robert. He lived in Brisbane with a nephew Charles before his death. He came to Australia 1882.
    Robert Booth Bolton mother and father Ann and Henry as per BDM born county Clare 1857 came to Australia aged 24 died September 1945.
    Peter Bolton died Brisbane 1897 was a baker had a family of ten including one Charles Pollet. Who I presume George lived with.

    Sorry this is so long this is all the info I have!

    My sister and I will be travelling to Ireland in late August and would like to visit Henry's gravesite or places he lived.

    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Monday 13th Jun 2016, 09:33AM
  • Hi  dfour.  In response to your post of 13 Jun 16,  I reside in Brisbane Qld Australia. Also you may be interested in addition those Charles Paulet BOLTONs I previously mentioned, I have come across another Charles Paulet Anthony BOLTON (no 4) here in Queensland.  This Charles Paulet BOLTON (No 4) died in Brisbane in 1941.  His wife was Lucy and his children Lurline and Peggy. Initial inquiries indicate he possibly was born in Australia in 1877, the son of Peter BOLTON (born Sligo).   It would seem this Charles Paulet BOLTON (No 4) may also be connected to Henry and Anne BOLTON, Sligo (his grandparents?).


    Monday 13th Jun 2016, 11:00AM

    Hi Maree.  Thank you for the additional information which it seems would indicate that your great grandfather Charles Paulet BOLTON (no 5) born Sligo 1839 is a brother of my Lieutenant Alexander BOLTON of the Clare Militia (father of my grandmother Lizzie BOLTON born Ennis circa 1866), together with their other brother Major Henry Francis Somerset BOLTON born Sligo.  The parents of these three BOLTON men being Henry and Anne BOLTON, grandfather being Marcus BOLTON MD of Ennis, died 1830, and their grandfather being Charles Paulet BOLTON (no 1) who died Co. Clare 1815.   

    I have found a newspaper article dated 1834 relating to the marriage of Henry BOLTON  Esq of Ballywilliam at St Johns Church, Sligo Feb 1834 to Anne BOLTON second daughter of the late Alexander BOLTON Esq of Sligo.   I next located Henry BOLTON in the Griffiths Valuations 1850's who with his brother  Charles Paulet BOLTON (no 2) owned substantial property in Ennis, Miltown Malbay area and Mutton Island.  It appears he also had a town residence in Ennis Town in Cornmarket Street.  In a newspaper article supplied by Donal De Barra Miltown Malbay which appeared in the Clare Champion it refers to Henry BOLTON in the 1850's being at Spanish Point Miltown Malbay.  This article contains details of Major Henry Francis Somerset BOLTON's distinguished military career together with his links to Ennis and his family in that area.  Reference is made to some of Henry BOLTON's sons attending the Leconfield Estate School, Glendine Miltown Malbay. There is also another newspaper article in April 1858 showing Henry F Somerset BOLTON in Miltown Malbay Church, third son of Henry BOLTON of Maryville, Miltown Malbay and Millview Ennis marrying Mary the eldest daughter of Anthony DWYER of Annagh House Miltown Malbay.  In the Freemans Journal Nov 17, 1864 reference is made to a Chancery Appeal Court matter Faircloth -v- Henry BOLTON involving disputed lands and amount of 1,196 Irish pounds (Marcus BOLTON MD married a Diana FAIRCLOTH so it probably was one of her brothers involved in the case against Henry BOLTON).  This involved claim and counter claim going back to 1793 with the case not being concluded.  I do not know the outcome but in 1866 in the Landed Estates Court there is reference to the substantial Estate of Charles Paulet BOLTON (no 2) in County Clare being forcibly put up for auction.

    The next record I have of  Henry BOLTON is in 1867 when he was imprisoned at Sligo relating to an outstanding debt.  This Henry BOLTON aged 62 years born Ennis is shown as residing at Bally William, Rosses Point, with his occupation then shown as either farmer or farrier.  Henry BOLTON next turns up in 1874 at Clareview Galway when his mother in law Anne BOLTON, 92 years passed away at this (Henry's residence Clareview).  She was buried (Church of Ireland) Parish St. Nicholas Co. Galway.  Henry is still at Clareview, Salt Hill, Galway on 1 Apr 1876 when his brother Charles Paulet BOLTON (no 2) passed away at Clareview, Salt Hill. Clareview is a small locale on Galway Bay next to Salt Hill.  Charles Paulet BOLTON (no 2) is likewise shown as being buried COI  Parish of St Nicholas, Galway.  I have been unable to locate any information as to Henry BOLTON's death or where buried.

    I also need to correct an error in my previous post.  I referred to Henrietta marrying Rev. John Echlin ARMSTRONG DD  in 1839 in Dublin.  I should have said that Rev. ARMSTRONG first married Juliana Prendergast BOLTON at St Peters COI Dublin 1839. She was the 2nd daughter of Marcus BOLTON MD Ennis. She moved to England with Rev. Dr. ARMSTRONG including being at Burslem Rectory Staffordshire..  Henrietta was his second wife. Rev. John Echlin ARMSTRONG died at Pembrokeshire Wales 1872 aged 67 years.

    Maree I hope some of these addresses assist you when you visit Ireland later this year.  My research also did disclose some more information in regard to the BOLTON family which I am happy to supply if needed.  John HALL


    Tuesday 14th Jun 2016, 10:59AM
  • Thank for all the info John, I have been fishing around and have read a lot of the info in differant places, but you have put it all together, What a great job,   Just so you know myself and maree are 1st cousins. The offer of more info would be great as I would like to add a new line in our family book. My email address is, We are having a family reunion near maclean in march 2017.


    Wednesday 15th Jun 2016, 07:48AM
  • Thanks John it's still a tad confusing, my grandfather was also Charles Paulet Bolton as was his father. So another to add to the list

    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Wednesday 15th Jun 2016, 08:19AM
  • As per George Albert Bolton's obituary it was a very large family seven daughters and twelve sons. Therefore so far we have:
    Charles Paulet
    Edward Booth
    George Albert
    Robert Booth
    Amante (in Amante's obituary her second name was Frances and I have wondered if she took that on because it was her sister's name, or it actually was!)

    Now I believe that my great grandfather was first born, taking his name and the story that if he had of stayed in Ireland he would have inherited everything. My sister said that our mother said that he was too poor to go back to Ireland to claim his inheritance!

    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Wednesday 15th Jun 2016, 11:22PM

    Good afternoon  i am related to Amante nee Bolton Maxwell and would appreciate a liitle help re her Parents , Siblings and Grandparents. All i know is she had a sister Fanny/Franes and came to Queensland on the Scottish Wizard and later married Lucas Shirley Maxwell, a well known Merchant in New Zealand, and they traveeled a lot..i have some information  on her life in New Zealand.

    I live in New Zealand,

    Than you for any assistance.

    Sue annet







    Thursday 8th Dec 2016, 02:54AM
  • Could you please tell me where I can obtain Amante's Obituary and her father's Obituary.

    Sue annett

    Thursday 8th Dec 2016, 02:56AM
  • Hi Sioux
    I'm a descendant of Charles Paulet, third son of Henry Bolton and Ann Bolton. I think there 19 in the family. Amante and Frances being two of the seven daughters. I googled her name in the nz digitised newspapers and came up with her marriage and her death. I have a photo of her she was a nurse.
    As for her father's obituary it's a puzzle as there seems to be so many Henry Bolton's. But my sister and I have seen the entry in the Church records at Sligo where they were married., henry's brother Peter married them.
    If you want to give me your email I can give you what little more info I have!

    How exciting!!

    Maree Cartmill Brown

    Thursday 8th Dec 2016, 11:17PM

    Hi Maree

    Thank you for replying, my email is.

    Would love to hear anything re Amante and her family and would love a photo too please. I didnt realise she was a nurse. They had  4 children, 3 boys and a girl, Olive Diana is my relation. One boy died in WW1  if you want names etc happy tp post. Such a hard ge family, did many of the siblings come to Australia?


    Friday 9th Dec 2016, 03:24AM
  • Sorry about the spelling, in the above, having a war with my  IPad. Shoud be large family


    Friday 9th Dec 2016, 03:39AM

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