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I am looking for information of this couple who lived here in the first half of the 19th century.  I have a date for William's death as 1860(with no confirmation). I have no dates for the birth of his children or his marriage. All his children but one (William William O'Neill) left Ireland and settled either in Canada or the United States.  According to the obituary of one of his sons, this family lived in Cromane.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kathryn O'Neil

Thursday 20th Aug 2015, 07:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • Kathryn:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! is a free Irish government site which has church records for Co. Kerry both RC and C of I. It appears that your family may have been C of I. Baptismal records for the C of I church in Killorglin do not appear on the site but there are marriage records for three different Neills from Cromane two in Kiilorglin and one back in 1809 in Kilcolman. The two in Killorglin were likely children of William-- a William and an Agnes.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 20th Aug 2015, 08:10PM
  • Roger,

    Thank you for this information but I was wondering if it is possible to get more specific.  I have information that William and Mary's children were: Mary Susan, James, Edward, John and William.  This William was the only one who stayed in Ireland with the rest of his siblings coming to Canada.  This is the information I have from a relative's family tree but I have no proof of any of this.  My relative is James Neil/O'Neil (brother of this William) I realize that records are scare in Ireland as well as here in Canada but  I just need to find some concrete proof that this family existed.  Any help would be appreciated.

    William O’Neill 1823 in Killorgin, Kerry Ireland– February 16, 1914 in Cromane, County Kerry , burial Dromaralla, Killorglin married Ellen West Ellen West b: around 1828 in Ballydugan, Galway, Ireland and married in Ballydugan on Feb. 15, 1855 in Killorglin, Co. Kerry .  This family stayed in Ireland but most of their children came to Canada.

    Kathryn O'Neil (3x great granddaughter of William O'Neill and Mary Charley)

    Tuesday 25th Aug 2015, 08:00PM
  • Kathryn:

    Can I suggest that you contact the Rev. Jim Stephens to see what baptismal records may be available for Killorglin C of I church.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 25th Aug 2015, 11:00PM
  • Kathryn:

    I think I may have a connection to your Charley: and O'Neil families from Cromane.  My 2nd great-grandmother, Ann Charley married Thomas McEnery of Cromane in 1843.  Some of their children's baptismal sponsors are Charleys or Neils. Including my g-grandfather's sponsor Gerald Neil.   I have also seen at least one document that confirms  a William O'Neil was the sponsor of three Charleys emigrating to Australia in mid. 1860's.   Most of my Cromane relatives emigrated to US, late 1800's, early 1900;s  Have  suspected a few went to Canada as one of my g-grand uncles emigrated to US several years after most of siblings, through a non-port area of Canada into Wisconsin.   Ann Charley's parents were Daniel Charley and Mary Neil.  There is a brother Daniel, b. 1826. other unconfirmed records indicate a Daniel  Charley in Cromane with Dob around 1820.  In my family very common to have multiple cousins with same name in same town. So, do not know if there was just one Daniel, or two cousins with same name. And, a Daniel Charley, widow married a Margaret Neill in Cromane in 1866. Do not know if this is father, brother, or a cousin. So, to answer your question; yes their were Charleys and Neills in Cromane from 1800-1860's.  Do you think your Mary Charley could be a sister of my Ann Charley?  

    Thursday 21st Apr 2016, 04:33AM

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