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I am looking for any information concerning my gg grandmother MARY GENTLEMAN (Gentlemen)  

She married Cornelius O'Connor.  Their only child I know of was Patrick O'Connor (b 04Feb1867) in Gortnagula, Co. Kerry. 

Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 05:21AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Judy,


    Go to  (free site) to find records for co. kerry .  Just put in the name with no dates at first and see what comes up.

    Gradually refine it with dates.

    Hoep this helps,



    Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 02:19PM
  • Anne, If you have used that website you would know that while they have many records, that not ALL records are available through them and the only information they have on her is her name appears on Patrick's birth record.  Therefore I posted a question here to see if anyone might be searching for the same people or run across her in their searching.  

    I take it from your response that you do not have any information on Mary Gentleman.  

    Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 07:39PM
  • Hi Judy,

    As you will appeciate I am a volunteer trying to help people who are trying to locate their ancestors.  I have no way of knowing which websites or how much serching you have already done , so I always presume that a person is starting from scratch.

    The website is as far as I am aware the most comprehensive collection of church records for Kerry, so naturally I directed you there.

    Try looking for mary gentleman and ellen gentleman and see if you can find a record of ssame parentage.  Chances are that Patrick's godmother Ellen was either a sister or a mother of Mary.



    Friday 15th Mar 2013, 01:33PM
  • Judy,

    If you are not sure of which county Mary Gentleman hails from, try and see if you have any luck there.   the irishgenealogy website was set up by the government to provide for the shortfall of rootsireland.  All records (except Co. Clare) are between these two sites.


    Friday 15th Mar 2013, 01:38PM
  • Judy 

    Have a look on they have quite a few records including birts of Mary Gentlemand in Kerry as well as other Ireland counties & Wales england going a long way back - I only had a quick look, but I recommend adding a little information at a time and click on "Type" select only one change at a time 

    Good Luck

    Maureen O'Connor NZ 

    Monday 1st Apr 2013, 06:19AM

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