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I am looking for two brothers who lived near Clogher  around 1870 they both moved to Scotland

their names are James Boyle born 1869 and John Boyle born 1873

they have brothers Francis and Hugh  and a sister Mary b.1870

I have a memory of my father mentioning  of an area called Coonyin  or similar but can't locate it

Their parents  were John Boyle   b 1839 and Catherine (Ne Manly) b 1838

there is some mention of them in Roslea  -  John  Boyle  and Catherine Manley   and records   of some of their children   in the baptism at St Tierney’s

I would like to locate their home and any decendants who stayed on in Ireland


I would also like to trace the family line back futher than  John Boyle  1839 if possible





Jim Boyle 




Friday 30th Jan 2015, 02:19PM

Message Board Replies

  • I can see births registered for Mary Boyle on 13.11.1870; Patrick 17.9.1873; Francis 8.5.1876 and probably Hugh on 1.7.1868 (mothers mn is Malia for that one, but I suspect that?s a mistranscription of Manley). All births registered in Lisnaskea.

    You can view all these birth certs on the GRONI site for ?2 each. (Use the search birth registrations option). The birth certificates will contain the townland where the couple were living. You can use that and the revaluation records to try and locate their actual house. If you post the townland together with John?s occupation, I?ll see if I can help.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 31st Jan 2015, 01:36AM

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