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Looking for info re Michl Hogan and Mary Gunning.  found Baptism for Peter Paul 2 July 1865 Record no 7167 on NLI Microfilm 02477/05 Page 46.  Not sure if this is relevant.

Mary/Margaret Gunning lived in Australia with her son Michael Gunning.  Any info would help.

Mary/ Margaret Gunning listed HER father as Michl Hogan.   I believe she was born about 1839. Married about 1863 to ? Gunning in Killaloe ?Co Clare


Saturday 31st Oct 2015, 04:04AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    Have you already had a look at rootsireland to see if you can find any records for the above in Co. Clare?  As you probably know, parish records begin at different times depending on the parish. is a subscription site but you can subscribe for short periods of time and it is a very handy resource. There are no marriages for Clare on the site though so you will have to contact Clare Heritage Centre at

    The Clare Local Studies Library is also a great site with some very useful information:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 23rd Nov 2015, 12:17PM

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